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seeyoubythesea t1_j9adj45 wrote


StrikingExamination6 t1_j9anvq3 wrote

Have you heard of this thing called a scout?


seeyoubythesea t1_j9baw1l wrote

See this is the thing about AAU. Everyone thinks they’re gonna get recruited


6byfour t1_j9c2kze wrote

While I completely agree that “elite” programs sell the dream too aggressively, D3 is accessible to decent athletes in most sports. You have to be careful here though- my son loves it and got regular playing time, but most of his friends from freshman year didn’t graduate with him, or graduated but left the team.

“D3 sucks,” you say. “No scholarships!” True, but he got a lot more merit scholarships than he probably deserved, had responsibility to other people which helped keep his grades up, and had a great support system. All very good things.


StrikingExamination6 t1_j9beplm wrote

Yeah, how dare these kids have dreams!! If you think you’re good enough, then go for it. If they get recruited that’s great. If they don’t, then they learn hvac or whatever. Why is that a bad thing?
