Submitted by CeruleanBovine t3_117561z in Maine

I’m looking for a new therapist and need some recommendations. I’ve searched online, but reading bios doesn’t give me a good sense of personality.

Ideally I’m looking for someone with remote sessions that deals with depression, anxiety, anger and family issues.



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bor-harbar t1_j9a7wpl wrote

Just my two cents but i’d say pick someone and have a conversation. If it doesn’t feel right you can let them know and they will understand without any hard feelings. I’ll also add that it can be difficult to find people with openings right now but keep at it and I think you’ll be glad you did.


Frecklesgalore767 t1_j9abzym wrote

Does your employer have an employee assistance program (EAP)? Many do and they can be helpful in finding a good therapist. It’s usually an 800# that you call and tell them what you’re looking for and what area. They’ll give you contacts that are covered under your plan. Often the first 1-3 visits are no charge to you - the program covers it. If you don’t find a good match you can call back EAP and get another contact to try. Good luck!


CeruleanBovine OP t1_j9ac2t7 wrote

Yes the difficulty these days is that a lot of therapists are not accepting new patients. My old one is full and I’ve had some difficulty finding another. Just figured I’d get some recommendations rather than scrolling through lists of people.


VegUltraGirl t1_j9aiyui wrote

Foundations Counseling in York. We do 3 remote sessions and then 1 in person.


Beasagdeux t1_j9at5q2 wrote

I'm with you. I've been searching for a therapist for literally years at this point Spent months and months (over a year at one place) on various agency waiting lists... only to be bumped off them because they finally had to admit that it was unlikely they would have any openings because of my insurance.

So I go to my PCP last summer and request a referral because I'm desperate and they claimed to have access to mental health providers... for the referral department to literally do nothing but say go to Sweetser... who literally fired their entire outpatient staff years ago due to LePage's cuts to Medicaid reimbursement.

It appears that the only 'resource' available now is Psychology Today... who is apparently not exactly particular about whom they allow to sign up for their listing. But at least it gets you some phone numbers to call to get on more lists.


Beasagdeux t1_j9atqg0 wrote

And I would suggest NOT using EAP unless you don't care about your job.

Using EAP gives the business access to parts of your medical records. And they can and will use this against you.

If you are just working retail then don't worry about it. As those jobs are a dime a dozen. But if you have a real job or are in any public career.. I do not suggest it. Just the fact that you are looking for a therapist can still be used against you.


FrenchToaststrea t1_j9bcnc7 wrote

I’m not a therapist(yet)but working on it. You can reach out anytime if you just need someone to talk to. Remember they sky’s are always blue behind the clouds.


MildEnigma t1_j9d77yw wrote

I go to the psychology today website, use the locator, and check the bios and then websites. It’s not perfect but it’s a good start.