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AffectionateEmu4878 t1_j9s33bs wrote

Reply to comment by poe-oriole in Stupid question. by Albitt

Still dropping f bombs in the 2020s my dude? You need gods blessings more than I do. Take a deep breath, homie; You'll feel better if you let some of that anger go.

I do agree with you on the need to work on myself because the people who say they don't tend to be the ones that need the most work.


poe-oriole t1_j9s9mbk wrote

Im gay you dumbass. You know what a homosexual is? I like putting my cock in boy butts. Stop trying to own a gay 20 yr old. really just embarrassing for you. I never said I’m not a deeply flawed and hurt human I don’t get what you’re trying to do even. Just put others down? Is this what you live for? Fix your heart or die.
