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Hot-Okra-5096 t1_j81k9c7 wrote

If I lived in CE I wouldn’t want them there either. For fucks sake, send them to Lewiston or Biddeford. Don’t put them in the nice areas.


nattatalie t1_j84x2mi wrote

What is that supposed to mean? Don’t put them in “nice” areas? You know there are low wage jobs that need working in Cape Elizabeth, right? So are people supposed to ride the bus from Biddeford to Cape Elizabeth to work at the Rite Aid in that one strip mall?

People deserve to live where they work. So either the minimum wage in Cape Elizabeth should be $30/hour (even at shit retail and food service jobs) or they need affordable housing. They can’t have it both ways. 🤷🏻‍♀️


goonmaster696969 t1_j850drd wrote

the people that make these threads and spam "nimby" probably do not believe in nice areas. the better off the area the more spiteful the posts are about not wanting low income housing nearby