Submitted by tugboatcharlie t3_111lpb4 in Maine

Sunday February 19th the Portland Reavers will be having a practice at Maine Warrior Gym from 1215-330! All you need is $10 for gym cost, and groin protection! We practice in MMA gear so you don’t have to drop thousands on armor right away, plus longevity for one’s armor and own body! We compete in a sport called Buhurt! Come check us out! Any questions feel free to ask or check out some of our pages!



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hedgehogrecruiter t1_j8ffgzp wrote

Reavers? Is this a Firefly reference?


tugboatcharlie OP t1_j8fghvn wrote

No, it comes from old English word Reiver meaning River Pirate or Plundering Raid.


OurWhoresAreClean t1_j8g225v wrote

Are there any groups like this that do, you know...actual combat? Meaning that they at least make it rough enough to make it feel like something is actually at stake, as opposed to just playing dress-up?

Serious question, I'm genuinely quite curious.


tugboatcharlie OP t1_j8g26jq wrote

We do. This is a full contact sport with blunted steel weapons in steel armor. This isn’t dress up.


OurWhoresAreClean t1_j8g3vqe wrote

Ok, I'm watching some videos now and this actually looks kinda badass, albeit in the nerdiest way possible. I would go watch something like this.


lovemychances03 t1_j8gc5yu wrote

Can I just show up and watch? This sounds gnarly


tugboatcharlie OP t1_j8hg8m1 wrote

Unfortunately space is limited at practice. But keep an eye out on our social medias for events! Our lineup starts once winter ends!


Cougardoodle t1_j8i0m0h wrote

You absolutely should post that schedule on Reddit once it's decided. Folks will attend!


biggreywolf t1_j8gb9dm wrote

I'm a bit fatter than my full armor days, but I'll have a go!


TristanDuboisOLG t1_j8i2t0h wrote

Man, I kinda need this kind of poster for my DND campaign…


monsterscallinghome t1_j8g84bz wrote

Fuck yeah. I'm too far and too old (and too poorly insured...) to participate, but I would have been all in twenty years ago. Best of luck to you!


Windowwaker1138 t1_j8ipyr9 wrote

Would love to see if my 3 years of Blade and Sorcery translates lol.


craftyfighter t1_j8i4eq5 wrote

Lol…they finally found a gym near Portland. That was getting a tad embarrassing to be honest.


QuinNight t1_j8i6jzr wrote

Not really! Prices are higher near cities and as a new club we don’t want to pawn those costs off to our members. We practice where we can afford it. Thanks for your input tho. Come out to practice!


craftyfighter t1_j8iz6wd wrote

That’s an understandable reasoning…I just found it funny that you were the Portland Reavers, but weren’t in Portland. Of course if you’d been the Maine reavers I wouldn’t have thought where you trained or were based was odd at all (assuming you were in maine of course).


QuinNight t1_j8izfkm wrote

Its like all sports teams! Most dont practice in the actual city they are named for!


Fun-Gap4015 t1_j8nj5kz wrote

Its not embarrassing, you just want to share your shame. Maybe be nicer to strangers


GoblinShark603 t1_j8frbmr wrote

Checked your page for videos of this buhart... highly disappointed. Especially when there was a celebs camel toe...


QuinNight t1_j8i63wn wrote

What are you even saying homie