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MosskeepForest t1_j9x2zko wrote

Except she didn't. She told the kids her tiktok handle.

The example of "extreme inappropriate content" (which wasn't shown in class) was in one of her random videos she was wearing a towel (ohhh the humanityyyyy, how will the children ever recover).

It's a farce. Most people only read the headlines. Just another piece of propaganda by the traitors in the republican party.

Propaganda targeting minorities should be a criminal offense. Republicans engaging in this sort of nazi behaviour belong behind bars.


cannonball12345 t1_j9x7e6a wrote

Why is it appropriate for any teacher to share their social media handles with students?


MosskeepForest t1_j9x80l9 wrote

The point is the framing by the traitor republicans is extremely obvious. This isn't an issue of a teacher sharing their social media handle. This is just propaganda to push their recent narrative of "trans people are grooming your kids!!!!!".

That's why the article makes it seem like she was sharing porn or something to kids in class. When the story was actually "a teacher told some students what her tiktok handle was". So a slap on the wrist and tell her not to. Woopty dooo.

Though, I honestly don't care if a teacher shares their social media with students. You think teachers should be using fake names in the classroom so kids can't go home and google them too?

This isn't 1999, welcome to the internet age.

But again, that isn't the real issue here. The real issue is traitor republicans trying to push their hate campaign with one after another of these propaganda pieces.


cannonball12345 t1_j9x9udy wrote

I read the article, not sure where you read they suggested it was porn. Or what 1999 or the internet have anything to do with this. As a parent I feel as though any teacher, substitute or not, shouldn’t share their social media accounts. But hey, It’s cool you feel differently. I have two kids and felt I should defend the schools decision to cut ties.


MosskeepForest t1_j9xa9hx wrote

>I read the article, not sure where you read they suggested it was porn

The article title was that the TRANSGENDER teacher (emphasis on transgender, since the article mentions it a billion times and it's in the headline) was sharing inappropriate videos.

TURNS OUT that she wasn't. She just told the kids what her tiktok handle was.... and in a random video of however many her catalogue is, the trolls at fox news found one where she was wearing a towel....

Where are all the other THOUSANDS of articles of various teachers through the country sharing more than school policy allows?? Oh? Articles are just saved for the TRANSGENDER ones? Yea, it's kind of obvious this isn't about a teacher that just shared her social media handle when she shouldn't have.....

>I have two kids

Cool. Today on twitter it was trending that vaporeon is the best pokemon for sex. You know, since it's water based. Apparently it would make a good flesh light (I learnt a lot from twitter today)

So.... good luck protecting your kids from seeing someone wearing a towel I guess.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9yk80k wrote

>When the story was actually "a teacher told some students what her tiktok handle was".

Given the content of the account, the handle should not have been shared.

In today's environment, a teacher's social media presence needs to be squeaky clean. If it is not, then why is the teacher sharing the handle?

I agree with the person who posits that this is less about gender identity than it is about appropriate behavior.


MosskeepForest t1_j9ynjt5 wrote

>In today's environment, a teacher's social media presence needs to be squeaky clean.

Yea, todays environment of people trying to turn everything into some type of moral panic. It's always some fucked up fundamental christian viewpoint that has us firing teachers because they showed their knees on facebook or something.

That people support this type of fragile "teachers can't be human" mentality is insane.... but explains why our education system is so shit. We have very poorly paid teachers who are told they must always walk on a knives edge of being fired for "being inappropriate".... which leaves very few people willing to put up with all that BS.

And the application of "decency" is always applied to women and minorities. Even just kids knowing a teachers name and finding their facebook page where they posted going to a club is "inappropriate".

How do people keep supporting this or thinking this is healthy or good?


IamSauerKraut t1_j9z4v95 wrote

>Even just kids knowing a teachers name and finding their facebook page where they posted going to a club is "inappropriate".

Way to turn my comment on its head.

The issue presented here is not a kid knowing a name and looking for the facebook page; rather, it is (alleged) that the teacher, knowing the contents of their own page, encouraged the students to go visit the page. That is what is inappropriate sharing.


MosskeepForest t1_j9z6294 wrote

Let's not forget the actual issue is not about the line for what a child can know about their teachers.

The real issue is this is a matter that the school should have taken care of (as they do with tens of thousands of other instances of similar or worse issues regularly) without it becoming some sort of propaganda piece for traitorous republicans.

>The issue presented here is not a kid knowing a name and looking for the facebook page

No, that is EXACTLY THE ISSUE. The teacher shared her handle on a social media site (a handle is your internet name, how people find you).

>knowing the contents of their own page

The content? That they are openly transgender? No, I don't accept the fucking fascists line of thinking that transgender people are "inappropriate for children".

This is what the fucks tried to claim about gay relationships also for the last 40+ years. That seeing a man and man together was "too adult for children". Fuck them and their fascist rhetoric trying to label people existing and engaging in normal behaviour as "inappropriate".

>Way to turn my comment on its head.

It isn't. It is actually where your line of thinking goes (or more accurately, has brought us).

This has actually happened and teachers have been fired for it.

That is where this mentality of "teachers must be pure christians" leads us... to an insane society of misguided "protecting the children" panic.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9zhmii wrote

You can always convince folks of the righteousness of your argument by inserting "traitorous" and "fascists" and other emotionally charged opinion (some of which is unrelated to the issue at hand). It also helps to post patronizing and gratuitous verbiage. Pat yourself on the back.


MosskeepForest t1_j9zj1hp wrote

>You can always convince folks of the righteousness of your argument

A certain portion of the population are just evil and will never face the truth of their actions.

That's why conservatives jump from one minority to another drumming up hate and violence.... because they have no sense of morality and just want to create hell on earth.

There is no way to phrase things to make them examine themselves. They are just purely evil creatures that need to be stopped.

How do you think the world stopped the Nazis? It wasn't with a round table discussion....

> by inserting "traitorous" and "fascists" and other emotionally charged opinion

It isn't an opinion. It is a fact. When a random American suddenly turns on their neighbor and begins pointing a finger and screaming "WE HAVE TO KILL THEM TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN!!!"..... that is a traitor turning on their own society.

That is a festering disease that threatens the very fabric of peaceful society if not stopped. They are fascists, again, BY DEFINITION. They use fear of the other to take control of governments and install authoritarian measures victimizing countless people (as republican fascists are doing now across the country, and have been doing my entire life).

These things aren't opinion. It is just a fact of what these people are. A cancer at the heart of our country.... that will cause untold damage (and HAVE caused untold damage) if not stopped.

Again, there is no discussion to be had with them. They are evil hateful rotten creatures that have no sense of decency. Traitors and threats to America itself.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9zja2p wrote

>How do you think the world stopped the Nazis? I

Not sure this question is related to the issue at hand but I am sure you will post a verbose response that will do nothing to tie the two together.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9zjgao wrote

>When a random American suddenly turns on their neighbor and begins pointing a finger and screaming "WE HAVE TO KILL THEM TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN!!!"..... that is a traitor turning on their own society.

Not seeing that anywhere in the posted article. Nor do I see a similar sentiment in the comments posted in this thread.


MosskeepForest t1_j9zl92d wrote

>Not seeing that anywhere in the posted article. Nor do I see a similar sentiment in the comments posted in this thread.

I guess you've just decided to start to play stupid? Is that the strategy now?

Suddenly you have forgotten about the last 5 years and the trans panic narrative of grooming and all other bullshit? Culminating in a huge spike in states trying to restrict access to medical care for trans youth and other anti-trans legislation being pushed through?

Yea, play dumb all you want. We all know what you are trying to do. You aren't fooling anyone with this bullshit.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9zn9hn wrote

>Suddenly you have forgotten about the last 5 years

What does the last 5 years have to do with a specific situation involving a substitute teacher at King?


But you go on about bullshit...


HumpSlackWails t1_j9y05yf wrote

"Propaganda targeting minorities should be a criminal offense."

Unless its propaganda you agree with, of course. This is why the issue is how it isn't a person's place, in this venue, to be marketing their political and social activism accounts to school children at all, regardless of content.... and not who is making content.

I understand you have very strong beliefs about how kids deserve access to this information and its okay to push them towards it.

Its not your place to decide that that is okay in the classroom and other people have disagreed. I wouldn't want my kids being pushed to a trans-hating account on a classroom-wide basis, and I don't want other people pushing their personal lives and stories out onto them either.

And for as much as you invoke other "inappropriate" content teachers might push kids to or whatever... challenge them on the merits. Educationally related content? Not gonna win complaining about that. Not-activist or commentary content, just life? Also not the same.

A video of two trans people going out to see Ant Man and then having a slice of pizza at Otto's isn't the same thing as an entire tik tok channel devoted to exploring the trans experience and someone transitioning. Intent of content and intent behind marketing it both matter for all populations.

Marketing certain types of content to kids is always going to be seen as unacceptable. If you think some straight person would get away with marketing their "come see my straight life and how great being straight is" channel exploring their exploration of heterosexual gender-normative life is?

You're actually quite mistaken and even right wing folks, mothers especially, would ask about people glorifying their lifestyle in that kind of pointed, targeted way, then pushing kids toward it. I have right wing friends. Who do not like their kids watching Tate.

People might need access, exposure and representation. It does not mean that they are free to do whatever they want to get it without ever facing any blowback.


MosskeepForest t1_j9y6m74 wrote

Where are the daily articles from fox News about non-trans teachers breaking minor school policies?

I just saw a video on Twitter of a male teacher that accidentally had his Facebook up on the projector while looking at women's profiles where they were in bikinis.

Where are the fox news articles about that creep?


IamSauerKraut t1_j9ykgr2 wrote

>I just saw a video on Twitter of a male teacher that accidentally had his Facebook up on the projector while looking at women's profiles where they were in bikinis.

How does such a thing occur accidentally? Teacher needs to be smart enough to never have this occurrence be possible. Less of an accident than carelessness, imho, and should be addressed by the building admin.


saintalbanberg t1_j9yifkm wrote

> If you think some straight person would get away with marketing their "come see my straight life and how great being straight is" channel exploring their exploration of heterosexual gender-normative life is?

We watched a ton of movies in school which were based on classic novels. This was a facet of just about every single one.


dougwdouglas t1_j9ygpyk wrote

Surely the actions are inappropriate. I remember many teachers in high school who would attempt to be “cool” and build relationships with students beyond the typical teacher-student relationship (get involved in student gossip, active with students on social media, texting weekend plans, etc). Was it dangerous? Probably not. Strange and inappropriate? Absolutely

In this case, a teacher is actively advertising her social media which directly brings minors to provocative photos? Not a great look!

Now Fox weaponizing this with the context of her transition is a different conversation, but I don’t think that’s going to be surprising to anyone here


IamSauerKraut t1_j9ykwql wrote

>I remember many teachers in high school who would attempt to be “cool” and build relationships with students

Oh yeah.

Only recently has a concerted effort been made to put an end to these "relationships." My chem teacher, married, knocked up a sophomore. My US History teacher was banging a junior. Neither faced consequences beyond some well-placed comments from female colleagues.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9yko9a wrote

>In this case, a teacher is actively advertising her social media which directly brings minors to provocative photos? Not a great look!

Agreed. Should be common sense among teachers.


MosskeepForest t1_j9yip9k wrote

>In this case, a teacher is actively advertising her social media which directly brings minors to provocative photos? Not a great look!

And that is where it should have ended. A principal saying "hay, could you not share your personal accounts during school hours? Thank you".

Instead of some national news story about how "TRANSGENDER people are sharing inappropriate videos to CHILDREN!!!!"

This is pure propaganda.


Lerch737 t1_j9y3bxt wrote

So all Republicans are traitors and all democrats are good guys?


mymaineaccount46 t1_j9yibpg wrote

That's how this site is. You ever look at the politics sub? This place is crazy.


Lerch737 t1_ja2tv9p wrote

Fuuuuuccckkk no. I stay the hell away from there!


IamSauerKraut t1_j9ykjo3 wrote


There are good people and turds on both sides of that political aisle.


Lerch737 t1_ja2k2xq wrote

Good. Politicians are like diapers, and need to changes for the same reason


MosskeepForest t1_j9y7h88 wrote

Yes, Republicans are traitors always attacking random minorities just going about their lives.

First it was the "black agenda"... then the "gay agenda"... then the "mexican agenda" the "Trans agenda".

They need to be stopped. They are cancerous traitors constantly turning on fellow citizens and trying to create violence and hate for no reason.

When is enough enough? I've been seeing it my entire life. God damned fascists.


baxterstate t1_j9y8iey wrote

So all Republicans are traitors and all democrats are good guys? ———————-

Yes. If you want to make America great again, you’re a white supremacist. If you believe that China represents a bigger threat to the USA than Russia, it’s because you hate Asians. Just go to the political discussion board.


OurWhoresAreClean t1_j9yclci wrote

>If you believe that China represents a bigger threat to the USA than Russia, it’s because you hate Asians.

I needed a laugh, thank you for this


IamSauerKraut t1_j9yjxpj wrote

>She told the kids her tiktok handle.

Difference without a distinction.