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HumpSlackWails t1_j9y05yf wrote

"Propaganda targeting minorities should be a criminal offense."

Unless its propaganda you agree with, of course. This is why the issue is how it isn't a person's place, in this venue, to be marketing their political and social activism accounts to school children at all, regardless of content.... and not who is making content.

I understand you have very strong beliefs about how kids deserve access to this information and its okay to push them towards it.

Its not your place to decide that that is okay in the classroom and other people have disagreed. I wouldn't want my kids being pushed to a trans-hating account on a classroom-wide basis, and I don't want other people pushing their personal lives and stories out onto them either.

And for as much as you invoke other "inappropriate" content teachers might push kids to or whatever... challenge them on the merits. Educationally related content? Not gonna win complaining about that. Not-activist or commentary content, just life? Also not the same.

A video of two trans people going out to see Ant Man and then having a slice of pizza at Otto's isn't the same thing as an entire tik tok channel devoted to exploring the trans experience and someone transitioning. Intent of content and intent behind marketing it both matter for all populations.

Marketing certain types of content to kids is always going to be seen as unacceptable. If you think some straight person would get away with marketing their "come see my straight life and how great being straight is" channel exploring their exploration of heterosexual gender-normative life is?

You're actually quite mistaken and even right wing folks, mothers especially, would ask about people glorifying their lifestyle in that kind of pointed, targeted way, then pushing kids toward it. I have right wing friends. Who do not like their kids watching Tate.

People might need access, exposure and representation. It does not mean that they are free to do whatever they want to get it without ever facing any blowback.


MosskeepForest t1_j9y6m74 wrote

Where are the daily articles from fox News about non-trans teachers breaking minor school policies?

I just saw a video on Twitter of a male teacher that accidentally had his Facebook up on the projector while looking at women's profiles where they were in bikinis.

Where are the fox news articles about that creep?


IamSauerKraut t1_j9ykgr2 wrote

>I just saw a video on Twitter of a male teacher that accidentally had his Facebook up on the projector while looking at women's profiles where they were in bikinis.

How does such a thing occur accidentally? Teacher needs to be smart enough to never have this occurrence be possible. Less of an accident than carelessness, imho, and should be addressed by the building admin.


saintalbanberg t1_j9yifkm wrote

> If you think some straight person would get away with marketing their "come see my straight life and how great being straight is" channel exploring their exploration of heterosexual gender-normative life is?

We watched a ton of movies in school which were based on classic novels. This was a facet of just about every single one.