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MosskeepForest t1_j9y731n wrote

For Republicans, a Trans person existing is "marketing".

You trying to claim a right winger making hate videos is the same thing as a Trans person being seen transitioning in public is disgusting.

Right wingers are ALWAYS attacking random minorities and claiming their day to day lives is an "agenda".

When is enough enough? Right wingers need to be held accountable for their actions.


HumpSlackWails t1_j9yach8 wrote

This isn't just existing. Existing is a trans person doing stuff.

A tik tok devoted to your transitions is not "just existing."

A tik tok of a gay person reviewing movies is just existing. A tik tok chronically their coming out journey is something special.

No one except the content creator said, with this content, "I am trans and this is about me being trans specifically."

Not every group is a potential audience for activism because you feel, of course, your message is super critical and HAS to reach them. Everyone will use that rationale - and has been - and its how oppression happens. Just take a step back and understand sometimes people in marginalized groups can cross lines too. She did.


MosskeepForest t1_j9yigtj wrote

>A tik tok devoted to your transitions is not "just existing."

What does "devoted to your transition" mean? Showing your medical care is now "inappropriate"? Or showing your day to day life as you transition? THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF JUST EXISTING.

You are trying to redefine a person living their life and using social media normally to share about their life as "an agenda" and "political activism".

And it's always a standard that applies EXCLUSIVELY for trans people.

Like I said, just this morning I watched a male teacher casually looking on his laptop during class while perving through womens profiles on facebook.... while his screen was projected to the front of the room in front of the entire class. WHERE IS THE FOX NEWS ARTICLE ABOUT THAT?

You fascists don't care about your hypocrisy though. You just ignore it and keep on pushing YOUR AGENDA to vilify ANOTHER minority group. As you have for my entire life....jumping from one to the next.

You people need to be stopped. You constant try to destroy our society and create domestic terrorism. History has shown us where people like you take societies...and it isn't pretty.

The NAZI did the exact same thing with gay people. They worked tirelessly to reframe them as "threats to children"....

Care to guess what I think should happen to Nazis?


HumpSlackWails t1_ja2h1k2 wrote

"What does "devoted to your transition" mean? Showing your medical care is now "inappropriate"? Or showing your day to day life as you transition? THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF JUST EXISTING."

No, that is a tik tok dedicated to your experience transitioning. It is not a tik tok where a trans person engages in a regular, non-topical living.

If I skydive and make a vlog about skydiving its a skydiving vlog. If I skydive and appear in videos where I happen to have my parachute in my car but I'm on my way to a concert...

I'm just a skydiver who happens to be on film.

If you can differentiate between targeted, topical content and not then you're not here in good faith.


MosskeepForest t1_ja2zbpz wrote

And yet if it were some male teacher who had a tiktok showing his medical care for a broken arm over months, you wouldn't be calling that "inappropriate" or devoted to some sort of agenda.

You would just say he was sharing his life.

But EXCLUSIVELY for minorities, you fascists want to try and reframe normal life and normal usage of social media as some sort of conspiracy.

You seem to think it's your DUTY to inject yourself into the lives of others. You have no concept for the idea of freedom and want to use the state to police simple things like medical care? Fucking fascist.

Why don't you get the fuck out of my country and go to one that thinks like you do? Iraq? Saudi Arabia? North Korea? Russia? China? Pick a fascist state that wants to attack minorities, you would fit right in.


HumpSlackWails t1_ja30fhc wrote

\You're absolutely right. Teaching skills is absolutely not the same as recording your transition journey.

I think you finally nailed it.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9ylfpr wrote

>Not every group is a potential audience for activism because you feel, of course, your message is super critical and HAS to reach them. Everyone will use that rationale - and has been - and its how oppression happens. Just take a step back and understand sometimes people in marginalized groups can cross lines too. She did.


Hard to disagree.
