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MosskeepForest t1_j9zj1hp wrote

>You can always convince folks of the righteousness of your argument

A certain portion of the population are just evil and will never face the truth of their actions.

That's why conservatives jump from one minority to another drumming up hate and violence.... because they have no sense of morality and just want to create hell on earth.

There is no way to phrase things to make them examine themselves. They are just purely evil creatures that need to be stopped.

How do you think the world stopped the Nazis? It wasn't with a round table discussion....

> by inserting "traitorous" and "fascists" and other emotionally charged opinion

It isn't an opinion. It is a fact. When a random American suddenly turns on their neighbor and begins pointing a finger and screaming "WE HAVE TO KILL THEM TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN!!!"..... that is a traitor turning on their own society.

That is a festering disease that threatens the very fabric of peaceful society if not stopped. They are fascists, again, BY DEFINITION. They use fear of the other to take control of governments and install authoritarian measures victimizing countless people (as republican fascists are doing now across the country, and have been doing my entire life).

These things aren't opinion. It is just a fact of what these people are. A cancer at the heart of our country.... that will cause untold damage (and HAVE caused untold damage) if not stopped.

Again, there is no discussion to be had with them. They are evil hateful rotten creatures that have no sense of decency. Traitors and threats to America itself.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9zja2p wrote

>How do you think the world stopped the Nazis? I

Not sure this question is related to the issue at hand but I am sure you will post a verbose response that will do nothing to tie the two together.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9zjgao wrote

>When a random American suddenly turns on their neighbor and begins pointing a finger and screaming "WE HAVE TO KILL THEM TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN!!!"..... that is a traitor turning on their own society.

Not seeing that anywhere in the posted article. Nor do I see a similar sentiment in the comments posted in this thread.


MosskeepForest t1_j9zl92d wrote

>Not seeing that anywhere in the posted article. Nor do I see a similar sentiment in the comments posted in this thread.

I guess you've just decided to start to play stupid? Is that the strategy now?

Suddenly you have forgotten about the last 5 years and the trans panic narrative of grooming and all other bullshit? Culminating in a huge spike in states trying to restrict access to medical care for trans youth and other anti-trans legislation being pushed through?

Yea, play dumb all you want. We all know what you are trying to do. You aren't fooling anyone with this bullshit.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9zn9hn wrote

>Suddenly you have forgotten about the last 5 years

What does the last 5 years have to do with a specific situation involving a substitute teacher at King?


But you go on about bullshit...