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bwma t1_j84x13j wrote

I'm curious what happens if they fully succeed. All the towns that do this will end up being defacto retirement communities. Nobody can afford to move there except established boomers. Younger families with money aren't going to want to move to a town that has nothing but old people, because the schools will suck.

Nobody is winning.


guethlema t1_j89lju1 wrote

Oh, someone will always win in these situations, and it's usually the people who already have a shitload of money.

Portland has fewer residents and more housing than it did in the 1940s-1970s but somehow there's a housing crunch. It's a combo of people expecting more from their housing and people having for profit housing.

But hey, I'm sure Freeport really needs those lux apartments when a third of the storefronts are empty


IamSauerKraut t1_j86ebz5 wrote

Terrible, those boomers. They don't even have any kids. Or grandkids. Or nieces. Or nephews. Just money! Terrible!
