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bubba1819 t1_j882j17 wrote

$3000 is probably going to become more of the norm for an ethically bred pure bred dog that has both parents genetically screened with good temperaments. Between everyone wanting a dog since the pandemic and inflation breeders are going to be charging more for their pups. It’s also a good way for breeders to screen out for what kind of homes they want to send their pups to. I used to know a breeder whose thought process was that if someone can’t afford to pay the price they charged for one of their pups then they didn’t want them going to that house cause what if they needed emergency vet care, would they fork up the money needed for it? Not saying it’s right or wrong, just giving another perspective.


mislysbb t1_j88px7g wrote

Not so sure about the “everyone wanting a dog since the pandemic” part; I think shelters across the country are fuller than they’ve ever been. We’re also seeing a ton of “Covid puppies” being returned to shelters and these poor things have brutal separation anxiety, which makes them even harder to adopt out.


Maineguy1299 t1_j88h247 wrote

There is nothing ethical about people force breeding dogs and making a profit off of them… breeders and people who continue to support them are the scum of the earth.


houndshmix t1_j88pbg2 wrote

How do you make new dogs without breeding them…?


Maineguy1299 t1_j88pyjw wrote

Why do you need to “make new” dogs, when there are thousands of dogs already in shelters without families, being put down as we speak because people care too much about having a specific “breed”. “Making new dogs” shouldn’t even be of subject until the unclaimed amount of dogs is taken care of. But if you’re concerned about “making new dogs” you probably approve of people having kids without the financial means/living conditions to support and raise them first too.