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iceflame1211 t1_j9vk11k wrote

To summarize:

-Gendron wanted it in 2019, but in 2020 Lewiston awarded an option agreement to LH/Avesta for it to become senior housing instead
-Lewiston Housing and Avesta wanted to turn the location into a ~$12mil 44-unit senior housing development, but the project hit delays related to the pandemic
-LH brought a plan to triple (!?) the 44-unit building, but Lewiston City Council didn't like the lack of green space... (note: it's unclear when this occurred)
-Lewiston City Council chose not to renew the option agreement for LH/Avesta as a result of LH's uncertainty (with the project, financing, and ability to secure the complicated tax credits, etc? all of those? unclear)
-Gendron came by after this decision and reiterated his want to develop mixed-use, now seemingly in addition to a 44-unit senior housing building, but wanted city of Lewiston to take care of certain costs with demolishing
-During the public hearing portion of city council meeting, most of the public implied desire for the original senior housing without commercial buildings. Various reasons were given.
-Gendron took offense to this and said "ok, nevermind"

So it seems the site will likely go out to bids again, and either end back up to LH/Avesta to develop, or a potentially a new developer will purchase it who Gendron probably didn't want to get into a bidding war with.

It's unfortunate that the property wasn't developed in a timely manner the way it was initially intended a couple years ago, but can anyone respectfully explain to me what the point of contention is currently?