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Guygan t1_j9m9lht wrote

Are you aware that private folks who open small businesses aren't the same ones who build public bridges?

Do you have an understanding of how the world works?


CobaltAzurean t1_j9may2l wrote

Taxes collected on those businesses would help to pay for that bridge.


yesplease6979 t1_j9mb4mn wrote

Dispensaries pay a lot of money to the town in the way of licensing fees, property taxes as well as other various taxes and fees that are paid to the town by the entity that owns thise dispensaries which in turn helps to fund projects like new bridges.


Technical-Role-4346 t1_j9med17 wrote

Woolwich has a population of about 3200. At least 6 dispensaries are needed, maybe more so that they are within walking distance for most residents. Capitalism at work!


Squidoppolis OP t1_j9mg9kq wrote

Ok chill I know, woolwich is big and esp with biw there they need those weed shops, there’s just a lot lol. Also the bridge is fine I’m not throwin shade I’m just giggling, there’s 6 in a 1 mile stretch of route 1 lol


boopedya t1_j9mgvvf wrote

I think they need a few more :)


yeahigotnothing t1_j9mlsd8 wrote

I dunno, 600 seems excessive even to me. Any more and they might start pushing out the churches that don’t pay taxes to help maintain infrastructure. Then where would we be?!?


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j9mnoei wrote

Are they actually building new shops, or are weed dispensaries filling vacant buildings?


slothscantswim t1_j9mpn73 wrote

Idk if you realize this, but the people building weed shops aren’t the same people who build bridges.


Notmystationbro t1_j9mtoq7 wrote

Hey OP that’s the State of Maine’s responsibility not the company itself. 🙄


Smitch250 t1_j9n4gom wrote

DOT is paying for that bridge with federal tax dollars. Town revenue has very little to do with it. Occasionally there is a 10% local district match but most projects are 100% DOT funded unless there is a town water/sewer crossing. The towns are responsible to pay for those. Disclaimer: I build bridges as a Project Manager.


ripecannon t1_j9o0f73 wrote

Where is the fucking correlation? This is the dumbest post on Reddit I've seen in a long time


jasonhitsthings t1_j9o35ef wrote

HAHAHAHAHA!!! It's not like the towns is building the weed shops. It's ok to complain, as long as you think before you complain.


MidSizedYeet t1_j9od4b2 wrote

Well, time to get off your ass and fix the bridge yourself I guess


mainebringstheheat t1_j9ogv28 wrote

They're filling vacant spots/renovating old beat up buildings! The one that Farley's is in was an old beat up garage and is supposed to be working on the vacant house next door, Landrace is in what was Ed's Stuff (the place with all the random junk out front of it), and Holistic Alternatives is in one of the units next to the post office (that building needs a heavy overhaul)!


AvailableWerewolf t1_j9oz6tj wrote

I don’t think the town is actually investing in and opening dispensaries..


FrenchToaststrea t1_j9p6s82 wrote

Private company’s pay taxes to the city which in return will pay for this bridge.


TacomaMan2019 t1_j9pbuwg wrote

I am way over the whole weed thing..seems that's what everyone talks about. Weed this, dabs that, blah blah. Everyone walking around high all the time now.


eliot_cutler t1_j9psl9e wrote

Everyone posting here probably frequents these places but we do need a rest with these stupid fucking weed shops. Dregs of society masquerading as some legit business when your really just selling drugs to people, congratulations, what a business model for these ‘entrepreneurs’. Makes me wish they would re-ban. At least in the past there was a sense of shame ass ousted with package stores, now some liberated millennials think that there’s nothing wrong with everyone taking drugs and that it should be celebrated. Obviously we have progressed beyond the 200,000 years of human history.


egoodkowsky t1_j9qfdqi wrote

Let the market figure itself out, fact of the matter is all of the dispensary locations sat dormant or in disarray for decades, now they are the best looking commercial buildings in the area. People whined about Dots Good Deals and Ed's Stuff for years, and at some point need to realize there isn't a four lane highway from Brunswick to Rockland


justadumbwelder1 t1_j9qohuj wrote

Wasn't there a verse in afroman's song "But then i got high" about fixing bridges? Or am i remembering the late 90s/early 2000s wrong because i got high?


pugshugsbugs t1_j9qr0xx wrote

Lemme just get ya some welding gear and a hammer and you can knock that right out as a private citizen. Is it hard being this dumb?


BracedRhombus t1_j9quf73 wrote

Who says 600 dispensaries are going in Woolwich? Source?


TacomaMan2019 t1_j9rk9sg wrote

I don't know why this is such a big deal to you..I see people I work with smoke all day and be burnt out of their doesn't matter anyway. I stated my opinion and you stated yours. Let's get over it.