Recent comments in /f/Maine

VinceGchillin t1_jeh18ao wrote

When I first moved to Maine, I commuted from Bangor to Castine. It's a roughly 1-hour drive. Unless it snows. Or it was windy the night before and a tree fell on the highway. Or there were a lot of logging trucks on the road. I did this drive or four years. Yes, it is too long. Of course, the drive is beautiful, and I got through a crazy amount of audiobooks and podcasts. But I commute 20 minutes to Orono now, and can work from home pretty much whenever I want. Having all that commuting time back to be home with my wife and our newborn is worth it, and if I could do anything differently in my life it would be to arrange things so I didn't have to spend all that time just driving.


hagak t1_jeh11hm wrote

Everyone has posted most of the big downsides of a long commute. But there are some people dont see or realize right away. Dealing with exceptions to your day. Things like need to meet a plumber, picking up kids, dentist/doctor appt, or even attending after work happy hour or other event. These all become much more complicated when you have a 1+ hour commute.


Chubby_but_pretty t1_jeh0kjf wrote

I drive an hour one way to work and have done it for 20+ years. If you plan for it, it’s fine. I get to live in a cost effective area ($800/mo mortgage for a 4 bedroom) and make a decent salary so my spouse doesn’t need to work. I also work somewhere that typically closes when the weather is bad and can work remotely 2 days a week. If I wanted to live closer to work, I wouldn’t be able to live in the town I work in and I wouldn’t make the salary I do now in my current town. It’s all about compromise.


KezarLake t1_jeh0a0a wrote

I used to commute 1 hour 15 minutes around Atlanta. It was all highway, but the draw-back was that there was always an accident and in the Atlanta area there are vey few alternate routes. When I moved back to Maine, I thought nothing of having a long commute, but I got tired of it quickly because I’m stuck on Route 1. I currently drive Brunswick to Rockland which is about 1 hour and 5 minutes…until the tourists come. Route 1 gets clogged and adds 15-30 minutes onto the commute. It really cuts into your day. Been looking to relocate but there’s not a lot of homes for sale in the Rockland area.

Realistically, I think Nobleboro to Portland is going to be a challenge. You’re going to see heavy traffic flow on Route 1 Memorial Day right through Fall foliage. Then you get to look forward to going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. The winter will have it’s challenges too. There were a few nights this past winter that I had to get a hotel room because commuting that distance wasn’t safe or would take me several hours.


1-900OkFace t1_jegz986 wrote

I drove 99 miles one way from my house i bought in greene to the shipyard in kittery. I left at 4am every day to be there by 6am, earlier if there was a snowstorm. The pay was absolutely worth it until I was pregnant; then the commute became brutal.


kcolli07 t1_jegz6bm wrote

It’s not worth it.

It may be tempting, but the opportunity cost… the exhaustion…. Weather and then needing to use PTO because the commute is MUCH too long to white knuckle it during the snow or rain… an hour and 15 is really at least an hour and a half with accounting for variables and needing to be on time, you’re constantly needing to buy gas….

In my opinion, it would be better to move closer or not take the job.


skininja89 t1_jegxt72 wrote

I used to have an hour commute elsewhere in Maine, and I do not miss it in the slightest. Early mornings followed by late nights punctuated by constantly buying gas and spending more time in my car opposed to time doing literally anything else. Obviously if you don't mind all of that then up to you, but I'd definitely be looking for a shorter commute. That or remote work.