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DeuceClimaxx t1_j9qanzs wrote

Having had experience with Elm Grove, good luck. They don’t give a flying fuck about you. That being said:

Your lease will also likely have a clause to have insurance. What I’ve personally seen is they make you get insured and tell you to make it easier that they recommend “X” and they will just add in every month to your rent. You should be obtaining insurance independently from the landlord, their employees or anyone associated with them.


thenightispink OP t1_j9qgyi0 wrote

So there is no clause to have insurance in our lease, oddly enough. We have contacted a lawyer though just get a consultation at least about everything. They must be in breach of contract.


TiredCr0codile t1_j9rn63y wrote

You should have insurance if you don't. Renters is usually cheap.


thenightispink OP t1_j9s0k48 wrote

Thanks I hadn’t put that together after losing a grand worth of stuff actually


Few-Afternoon-6276 t1_j9s9jvu wrote

I wish this comment could be bigger..those guys are db ….Cheshire cats


DeuceClimaxx t1_j9tbcd7 wrote

I will never be able to explain to people my disgust in that company… Absolute trash