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sysadminsavage t1_jcgc228 wrote

Reply to comment by TiredCr0codile in Good riddance! by TiredCr0codile

I'm curious, what would you have done differently to address housing, homeless, crime and bringing business to Manchester?

Craig is leaving office with nearly 1,400 market-rate and affordable housing units either permitted or under construction, the most in decades for the city.

She took a strong stance against homeless encampments and broke them up before they got too big. This is while surrounding towns' police departments were dumping their own homeless in Manchester because they figured it was our problem. She also worked with local non-profits to ensure resources were available to help combat the opioid epidemic that Gatsas completely ignored. Homelessness is a national issue and the city has limited options in the short term to address it. Proper fixes that address the root of the issue rather than the symptom require collaboration with the state and federal government and take time.

Crime is down overall after peaking between 2017-2020. Assaults in 2021 hit their lowest number since 2013 and murders went from a peak of six in the late 2010s to one in 2021. Yes, crime is still an issue compared to previous decades, but considering the amount of addiction resources and slumlords we have in the city there's only so much that can be done.

She made some mistakes and wasn't the best mayor, but calling her disastrous is a huge stretch. The city is on the upswing again after some very tough years.