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JacktheBoss_ t1_ivkr74s wrote

She's just looking for attention for her restaurant...

edit: thank you for the correction, jag65.


jag65 t1_ivlazmi wrote

*She "SoHo owner Chloe Sowers purchased the business in April and placed it under new management."


bijten t1_ivkhkon wrote

And now, how do we make this place pay for this?


jag65 t1_ivkjgw8 wrote

Let me first mention that the job posting from the SoHo owner was terrible and is an ethical and legal nightmare. Never would I step foot in that place.

> how do we make this place pay for this?

Simply just don't support them. Businesses run on money and the less they have of it, the less likely they are to survive. Tbh the writing has been on that place for a while and after a million re-brands, owners, etc. its terrible.


[deleted] t1_ivkmraw wrote



bijten t1_ivkn3bk wrote

😅uhh I just decided I would blast them on my Facebook..maybe don’t do what you said though..?


Wear_Overall t1_ivkporz wrote

But they're "anti-woke"!! That means that all semblance of respect and normal behavior is out the window as far as they're concerned. They might as well have "whites only" signs out front. You reap what you sow! (edited for typo)


pillowsV43 t1_ivkuamk wrote

Please take it easy, there's no reason to be rude.


Wear_Overall t1_ivkv7xe wrote

I respond to rudeness with rudeness. Do you think the Civil Rights movement happened because people were polite to the racists?


handfulofdepression t1_ivmis8d wrote

"Drugs OK but no addictions" "victimless crimes OK" WHAT? Is she smoking? Why would any sane thing person include this information on a job posting?


6byfour t1_ivmh195 wrote

I don’t want to post the links because maybe that’s not cool here, but the owner is a Free Stater who ran for office as a democrat.

Free Staters are shitty neighbors.


hooligandelanoche t1_ivm1uy3 wrote

Has anyone ever made that location work for a club longer than a few years? IMO the crowd that would be drawn to an "anti-woke" club aren't frequenting Manchester in the first place. If they are, there are much more popular places with that same vibe.


Bao_Xinhua t1_ixqmivb wrote

Studies have shown that when someone uses the word "woke" as a pejorative there is a 98% probability that they are an asshole.


[deleted] t1_ivmf3eu wrote

Please consider the following:

    1. We've all read hundreds of job ads. Many can be summarized as, "I'm the boss and you're the peon." Most job ads are a long list of demands that even the owner doesn't live up to.
  1. The left and right both discriminate. The left keeps their discrimination quiet. The right broadcasts their discrimination.
  2. The restaurant is actually quite woke when it says that reasonable drug use and a record with some victimless crimes is acceptable. Does the left offer that?
  3. The word woke doesn't require people to be for or against it. It is perfectly reasonable to say something like, "This is a restaurant. We want to please customers. We don't want to squabble about race."