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NorthCoast11 t1_j8pfrpe wrote

So Zeal Clickiez are kind of Alps-aporoximate? Good to know. I've been circling the intense inclination to build a board but I've been stuck on deciding on switches. And a lot of other things but switches is a major.



BillyBuerger t1_j8qde6q wrote

Yeah, they have a click leaf very similar to Alps. The housing is obviously MX and not Alps so they definitely have some difference there. But to me, the biggest difference from alps is the extreme tactility even more than Amber Alps it feels to me. I think it's too much personally. Especially if you use them in their tactile position where it's crazy tactile. I would prefer if they would make a version that is more reasonably tactile similar to Alps. Especially if they also made a dampened slider so you could have a Zeal version of a Quiet Click.