Tricky_Potatoe t1_j6ypxmf wrote
What color is that? Mustard?
krd25 t1_j738cvj wrote
Expectation: tomatillo salsa
Reality: yellow mustard…?
Tricky_Potatoe t1_j74tnux wrote
Not the worst, I guess... ?
pancrudo t1_j6yux6f wrote
Gold club represent!
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Abtswiath t1_j71chrb wrote
Please tell me that this is not Olive green...
70X1N t1_j71rqxv wrote
damn so they really meant what they said about "color issues" with the FB TKL
DisastrousCarpet1891 t1_j72utvm wrote
Looks nice together with the Keycaps, definitely a unique color 👌🏻
ConcreteSnake t1_j6yaod8 wrote
That is definitely one of the greens of all time