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gigananobyte OP t1_ja9amvx wrote

Thermal seq2 on L+F lavender linears and Aluvia.


Bzmz t1_ja9bkel wrote

Yeah, looks great tho! How do you like the alu caps? Sound and feel wise


gigananobyte OP t1_ja9qc32 wrote

The alu caps don't feel much different to type on than GMK. The only difference being the spacebar is very pingy. Im sure I can fix it by adding some foam below the plate on the space bar. Other than that, it feels great!


2yzelothy t1_jaak1pf wrote

although i never joined the gb, it makes me happy to see people finally getting their thermals


IllIIIlIIllIIIlI t1_jaalwy8 wrote

You could sign up to get notified when black spacebars are available:

Looks nice though, really like the rose gold


gigananobyte OP t1_jaamibf wrote

You got me excited for a second. I thought it was aluminum space bars. They are actually GMK. Thank you though I may consider that.


AutoModerator t1_ja9ad66 wrote

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When posting your build, please provide a description of the build, preferably as a Top Level Comment or Reply to this Comment, with the following information:

  • Your keyboard featured and its layout

  • The Switches, Keycaps, and Other Accessories Featured

  • Any notable mods you performed

  • Other helpful information such as low profile, lesser known firmware, etc.

Example: Unobtanium Southpaw 1800 with DSA Salt with MorningCaps Artisan and Alps Rainbow Switches, modded with Sorbothan Foam on KMK

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Narrow-Importance65 t1_ja9eglx wrote

you could probably just sandblast it/brush finish it off. anodizing doesnt go very deep. Any jeweler would be able to do that for you. maybe not something youd want to do for resale value tho.


gigananobyte OP t1_ja9qif1 wrote

Hmm, idk how I would feel about that. lol. Im looking around to see if someone manufactures aluminum space bars. Its kinda hard to google that though


thelegojunkie t1_jaalkik wrote

I love my Aluve keycaps, but I too wish it had a different colored spacebar. I wouldn't choose the accent spacebar with a GMK set