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neoxx1 OP t1_j96bixm wrote

Ik it does and I myself am surprised, but I went from like 55 average to 65 and I managed to beat my old record by 14 (62->76). 10-15 increase seems about right, but I don't have any actual stats to back me up.


keeb-wtf t1_j978upa wrote

I think the practice/trying has more to do with it than the switch, especially at such low speeds. 10-20 mins of practice a day could net you rapid improvement and easily reach the 90s.


neoxx1 OP t1_j9jgh38 wrote

Might be, but I haven't really typed more than on my previous switches. I had basically no progression swapping from MX Browns to Gateron Blues and for some reason I progressed very rapidly with BOX Whites.