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Duinstra t1_j9lyixq wrote

Reply to comment by jkrkvld in Keeb & Shave by jkrkvld

Well, I'm coming from a 20$ Microtouch one. Its a new experience that I'm quickly warming up to. I have levels one and four in open comb, and have been just using level one so far to learn. Fairly efficient and forgiving for a three pass shave. I get the feeling maybe I should have gotten a level 2 instead of level 1 OC. Though the extra clamping force on some cheap blades I'm using helps cut the hairs much easier. Quickly learned to ease up on the pressure as I nicked myself a few times. Its weighty in the hand, offers some audio feedback with the hollowed out handle, and fairly easy to angle to get at some hard spots on my face.

My only nit pick is the edge on the open comb part itself has a bit of an edge, so it does feel a bit rough at times feeling the 'teeth' of the comb run along the skin. I'm fine with getting used to that, or taking some fine sandpaper and round the edge off if need be: An easy fix.

For the sale price it has currently? Its pretty awesome. A big upgrade from what I have, and each shave is becoming more enjoyable. I'm excited to see what the level one OC does with a sharper blade (Persona blues)!


jkrkvld OP t1_j9lz28y wrote

Excellent review, much appreciated!