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Kuj000 t1_j8y80rt wrote

Sixes and Nines are such underrated sets. Also, Adélie is goated. Cheers, great build!!!


SXLightning t1_j8yut00 wrote

Whats the keyboard stand?


cosmin_c t1_j907l8l wrote

More pics here of the stands :)


Edit: these and the ones that u/rulz-ro posted are basically the IKEA white colour, but depending on preference they're printable in any PLA one wants - or ABS (smoothable by acetone vapour) or resin. Unfortunately I'm still working out the kinks of clear resin, unfortunately I haven't yet produced a satisfactory clear white/frosted one yet albeit plenty of tries, I've yet to pinpoint a good resin and processing process that would yield satisfactory results (still working on it).


redkeeb t1_j8yxjjq wrote

Did the GMK Nines comes in the older, larger plastic GMK tray?


rulz-ro OP t1_j8yxmzd wrote


Edit: I mean potato tray but yes, the older kind


AutoModerator t1_j8wy4ub wrote

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When posting your build, please provide a description of the build, preferably as a Top Level Comment or Reply to this Comment, with the following information:

  • Your keyboard featured and its layout

  • The Switches, Keycaps, and Other Accessories Featured

  • Any notable mods you performed

  • Other helpful information such as low profile, lesser known firmware, etc.

Example: Unobtanium Southpaw 1800 with DSA Salt with MorningCaps Artisan and Alps Rainbow Switches, modded with Sorbothan Foam on KMK

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