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greenguitar92 t1_j9qkzjm wrote

I mean if you really want white keys to stay white you have to have a no food at the pc rule or clean them 4 times a week.


AxTROUSRxMISSLE t1_j9s5jmt wrote

Or just not be a disgusting animal, I have had a white keyboard with white keycaps for months and nothing on them. This is just being gross


Poschta t1_j9tebsf wrote

Depends on where you live. My white adam is on the wall and gets visibly dusty within four days. Add the tiniest amount of oils and sweat from your hands to that and it gets grimey.

I'm currently looking at air purifiers.


Threezero03 OP t1_j9ql4dc wrote

We do have that rule but it didn’t seem to be effective