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daninjah t1_j9qrrrx wrote

this is probably not recommended for premium expensive keycaps but i wash mine in a dishwasher on lower temp eco-mode together with all the dishes in a closed plastic cage thingy. works like a charm


Abtswiath t1_j9r2hfz wrote

Just putting them in a bowl with warm water and dish soap, letting them soak for 15 minutes with occasional stirring, and letting them dry on a dish towel also works fine. Just in case whoever reads this has no dishwasher.


cirivere t1_j9st269 wrote

That second method not only works out for those without dishwasher, but it would be possible to do it with more expensive keycaps given that you make sure to not make the water absurdly hot.

Don't forget to indeed let them dry! I usually spread them out on a tea towel overnight.