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Darthborg78 t1_ja3qgk3 wrote

I'm going to admit that I've tried programming one of these and I'm an idiot. I'm not very savvy with VIA and other forms of setting these up. Should have thought of that before I ordered it last year, only for it to turn up months later after I forgot I even ordered it lol.

Trying to find a use for it now and I'm coming up with zero now. But hey, it looks cool. Glad you got it to look snazzy, I like it!


glr123 t1_ja3zwd0 wrote

What is your issue? I've never used VIA or anything like that before and it took me about 5 minutes to get it configured how I wanted it. Happy to point you in some useful directions.

Edit: Just follow the wiki here, get the right json and that version of VIA and you should be all set.


Darthborg78 t1_ja5173x wrote

I mostly got stuck trying to think of what the hell I might need it for now. Then I thought I could use it for some midi triggers for Voicemeter Macro buttons and I just got lost. I have issues with attention span when it comes to some things so it's just now sitting collecting dust.


TechMessingUpDevice OP t1_ja4few7 wrote

Thanks! If you have any questions about config, don't hesitate to ask. I found it pretty doable using Vial.


Darthborg78 t1_ja51d4z wrote

I messed with VIAL a little quite a while ago but haven't recently. Maybe I should look into it again. I don't want to have to code or manually build packages for this thing.