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Blake_S2k t1_jd0hr7v wrote

No offence bud but I don't think you know the first thing about a buisness like this, especially of this caliber, and the amount of man hours put into each and every detail per piece. These are one off unique pieces, literally art, things happen, life happens, you literally can't rush perfection. It's impossible to always meet expectations and promises. Who cares how long it takes to get it as long as you do end up getting it?? He's not cashing out on vacation and shipping them when he gets back lol. These things go around the world and then some. Being "oversubscribed" as you say is a great thing for him if it's true. I hope he is "oversubscribed" because these aren't streamline assembly line productions lol.

In the end it's simple. Man up and wait for it to show up or don't join Group Buys. I've spent way WAY more money than I just did ($170) on these caps and had to wait much longer than the alloted time given. It's life. You'll live, or cry....


believe0101 t1_jd0qgu0 wrote

I fundamentally disagree with the premise of your comment. Consumers have a right to fair and realistic expectations from the people selling them goods and services. Banal platitudes like "you can't rush art" and "man up" can't be offered up in place of actual customer service.


CorporealGhoul t1_jd1sgrj wrote

Not group buy goods and services fam. Its in the fine print. Dont like it dont join a fucking group buy and go buy in stock parts.

Also they arent even an american company. So good luck trying to leverage anything against them. Again, dont like it dont join the gb.


believe0101 t1_jd2hjry wrote

Username checks out


vexii t1_jd2dvit wrote

why should they not be held responsible for there claims? they could just not give a shipping date, but i guess some people would be uncomfortable with joining a GB with no time frame. but intentionally lieing is worse