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ioioooi t1_jd00zm7 wrote

I mean, with more competitors entering the space, a lot of GBs have been getting cheaper. It's a good direction to be headed in


fuzzinator007 OP t1_jd0159z wrote

totally with you on that! i actually shared this same meme a few years ago during the pandemic, thought it was a good time to re-share since things are truly turning a corner lately. Im certainly happy to see it. The hobby has come a long way.


GraffitiDecos t1_jd2mdss wrote

I'm not sure that competition makes any difference in this space.

If you mean more mass produced keyboards then yes, that keyboard is cheaper because they have produced 1000x+. I don't think aio3, noxary and hiney were making huge profits with their small batch runs.

Things like economies of scale, market conditions in raw materials ( ie. Alu,.brass, copper) PCB production cost and availability of components, logistic costs, etc are all at play.

We are finally seeing prices of all raw materials drop since the onset of the pandemic and component levels stabilize.

That being said, I do enjoy the amount of available options.


quantumlocke t1_jd5jxmy wrote

I don't want to call out specific designers or vendors, but there are absolutely people making money hand over fist in this hobby, especially off of group buys.


MunixEclipse t1_jd10mm8 wrote

Both, thankfully.


fuzzinator007 OP t1_jd15sa7 wrote

Right LOOOOL good thing too. Better to have the balance, meet halfway lmao.


Owend12 t1_jd16a3q wrote

Hoping that at least one of them will be an in stock board.


fuzzinator007 OP t1_jd18ixd wrote

yeaaaaaaaaaaah well one can dream hahaha, if its in stock then you gotta be quick at the checkout.


GRSimon t1_jd0dwcp wrote

Fwiw my whole life I thought it was for all intensive purposes and now realizing that makes more sense


fuzzinator007 OP t1_jd0hcyl wrote

LOL trust me I thought the same thing for awhile. You gooood hahahah glad I could help.


fmtech_ t1_jd1bxpm wrote

I was looking at the Chimera R2 release and was starting to think it was reasonable after the reviews I have seen on YT. I think it's definitely a slow conditioning. The Zoom, QK, and Jirs keyboards aren't helping as well.


fuzzinator007 OP t1_jd1c75k wrote

Thtas a good point, sometimes things do seem more reasonable than others. I will say there are a lot of affordable options for the quality you get. Just depends.


Yoosulis t1_jd1yeii wrote

Love this I will keep it XDDD

But just next time tag it meme pls


iGematriA t1_jd28rv3 wrote

I've been interested in the Flux keyboard. Dunno if it's worth it. Preorder opens tomorrow


iGematriA t1_jd5ilxi wrote

Ended up pre-ordering it on kickstarter, they already reached 4x their goal. Hopefully it lives up to the hype


AutoModerator t1_jcz30wo wrote

ANY content that features products, services you sell, your prototypes in progress or items you were sponsored to post MUST use the Promotional flair, with disclosure of who you represent.

When posting your build, please provide a description of the build, preferably as a Top Level Comment or Reply to this Comment, with the following information:

  • Your keyboard featured and its layout

  • The Switches, Keycaps, and Other Accessories Featured

  • Any notable mods you performed

  • Other helpful information such as low profile, lesser known firmware, etc.

Example: Unobtanium Southpaw 1800 with DSA Salt with MorningCaps Artisan and Alps Rainbow Switches, modded with Sorbothan Foam on KMK

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CupApprehensive5391 t1_jd90xx1 wrote

What's GB?


fuzzinator007 OP t1_jd92xy8 wrote

GB = group buy. A group buy is where people pool their money early on for a lower rate than what the product will be sold at after it’s produced. This is most common here in the keyboard hobby for GMK keycaps and keyboards.


CupApprehensive5391 t1_jd98yj3 wrote

Ah, alright! Thanks for the info.

I've noticed a lot of products that start as a GB never make it to "in stock"... You can either buy it preproduction or not at all. Why is this? I'm the type of person who's wary of scams and I don't want to give someone my money until it's ready to be shipped, so I end up not being able to get most of the stuff I'm really interested in with keyboards.


fuzzinator007 OP t1_jd99l6v wrote

yeah so that tends to happen bc the company that ran the GB or sole proprietor cannot afford to add any overhead beyond the extras that are ordered in the case they need to replace units. So usually there are very few in stock "extras" or none at all. There are quite a few companies like Novelkeys, cannonkeys, and omnitype that usually order enough to have in stock extras once they deliver.. sometimes that could take up to 2-3 years on the longer end of things. I will say I know for a fact that Novelkeys is a vendor that puts up their money first to get the order submit and any extra they take in from Group buy they double down with so there are that many extras available after the fact.. so in that case it feels like more of a preorder than a group buy.. and there is a difference.

Hopefully im nuancing this enough, and its not hella confusing. Happy to help answer more questions. There is def validity to ur concerns, and others feel the same. You just have to go with trusted vendors and sources.