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Silentism t1_jeggo20 wrote

What do you mean by the stabs were rocking back and forth? The only thing moving should be the stem piece and the wire. And if you lubed it up and there’s still ticking that would suggest the wire just wasn’t straight.
Otherwise something just wasn’t snapped into place correctly.
Or maybe the piece that the wire clips into broke or cracked while you were putting it in? I’ve had that happen once or twice.


nicolas_33 OP t1_jegicov wrote

I am talking about the movement of the stems inside the housing. Grab the spacebar and rotate it / wiggle it back and forth. With the TX stabs there was a lot of movement. Now with the Staebies there is almost no movement. The TXs were basically as wobbly as Durock V2s and would have needed the same amount of tuning which I did not expect.

The stabs were assembled and installed correctly, the wire is straight.