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pvtparts t1_jddwlod wrote

That's fair enough. I dunno, I'm not a huge typer but I've found there are enough places where I am "stuck" using QWERTY day-to-day that I never really lose it even though I'm typing on Miryoku Colemak-DH while at my home desk. For example, my phoe keyboard is QWERTY and I (for better or for worse) don't see that changing anytime soon.


NoOne-NBA- t1_jde0odq wrote

You're not touch-typing on your phone though, nor are you transcribing things, so I'm not sure how big an impact the arrangement of the characters actually has.

By contrast, I type professionally, so I spend a lot of my time looking at the source material I'm entering, rather than watching what's coming up on the screen.
Having characters migrating around, on different keyboards, would play hell with that.


pvtparts t1_jdf2awm wrote

Not touch typing, but still thinking in QWERTY daily. You may surprise yourself is all I'm saying. It's like people who learn another language, generally they are OK with switching between them, just not super rapidly.