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jk_pens t1_jdn4sws wrote

Reply to comment by gangaskan in Keeb size popularity here by The_Akkik

I don't know why this personal opinion was getting downvoted. It's not like u/gangaskan was pooping on other sizes. Take my upvote.


HadouKang t1_jdn8rmg wrote

The part that rubs me the wrong way is how the preference is qualified by the job (net admin). Truth is, there'll be other net admins out there who prefer smaller layouts. Even within the same job function, there's going to be a spectrum of preference.


gangaskan t1_jdo09kq wrote

People are just jaded and strongly opinionated to the point where it's hurtful to them if you don't agree with them.

To each their own, I guess.

I even have a full size that has a trackball on the side. Too big for me lol.