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ZobeidZuma t1_jckfyup wrote

If you are on a Mac, you need that key, since the Mac uses Command (⌘) for most of the same shortcuts that other operating systems use Control for. But, the Mac also uses the Control key for its traditional purposes on the command line.

If you are on Linux, historically it doesn't use the Super key for anything, although some distros have recently started using it to call up the main system menu. Which I think is a huge mistake, and I disabled that function on my system! I like to use Super as a modifier for all my own global shortcuts, like workspace and window management. It shouldn't conflict with any shortcuts in applications.

On Windows. . . Well, I guess you need that functionality somewhere on your keyboard, but I think the bottom row is an awful place for it. I'd remap it to somewhere else if at all possible. Or maybe there's another key combo that will do the same function, but I dunno, I don't use Windows much.


HypotheticalRicotta t1_jcksqkz wrote

That's pretty interesting. I would have assumed that the key would be pretty important to windows, but if it's basically reserved for the start menu and hardly ever used for shortcuts I can definitely see that being annoying. On a mac it's a 2-key combo to do what the win key does on windows, so you're never worried about accidental clicks.


Bierdigan_ t1_jclayqu wrote

I personally use the windows key to launch programs, so I use it a ton and like where it is. I only accidentally hit it when I'm starting to fall asleep in my chair lol. I accidentally hit caps all the time but I like the idea of mapping windows to it so might give that a try


ReaperofFish t1_jckuofc wrote

On Linux, the Windows key is a meta, and often gets bound to similar shortcuts that you would use on Windows in most Desktops.