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unexpectedit3m t1_jcc93pd wrote

>This is not 70wpm..wpm means “words per minute”.

It is 70wpm. By your logic, you can't drive a car at 50mph if you drive for less than an hour...


SheeBang_UniCron t1_jcdkmdw wrote

Here’s a practical experiment for you. Do a typing test in Monkeytype with words set to 10, and do another time set to 60s. Are they the same? By your logic, it should be. I don’t understand why some people can’t seem to grasp this concept. If you want a car analogy, you can do the same thing, drive until the end of your street and drive until the next town over, is your mph the same?


unexpectedit3m t1_jceva0h wrote

>Are they the same? By your logic, it should be.

That's not what I said. You can drive a car at 50mph for 10min, right? You can also type at 70wpm for 30s. That's all I said. You can get a word per minute value for a duration that's shorter than a minute, with a cross-multiplication. I've never said the typing speed would be the same if OP tried a longer test, I actually agree with you on that point. It's just the way you phrased it.


kool-keys t1_jccb5xc wrote

If I drove at 50mph for 30 minutes, then I'm doing 25mph.... perfect logic LOL :) Although, in that hour, I did only drive 25 miles, but yeah... that was a stupid analogy. Although... speed and velocity are not the same thing.. but now my head is starting to hurt :)
