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RoadToSurfdom OP t1_jcfn873 wrote


  • Novelkeys Box Jades and Navies for the alpha section
  • Aliaz Silent 70g for the rest
  • Type 8, linear Alps clone.

Yes, the plate is gunky/rusty, but I don't care, I am mostly building this to annoy my coworkers.


Blze001 t1_jcgli5h wrote

>I am mostly building this to annoy my coworkers.

Best reason to build a clacky keeb


No_Record_4787 t1_jciod91 wrote

I like how all the keys you use most rarely are silent, so they know you could have made it more comfortable for them and chose not to.


Doccks71 t1_jcfnwtr wrote

Hey.. that alps yellow there is really sneaky!


RoadToSurfdom OP t1_jcfq1pr wrote

I wish it was a real Alps, but it's nice when lubed. It has simplified contacts though, so its a pain to reassemble.


[deleted] t1_jcfrspq wrote



RoadToSurfdom OP t1_jcfxz3z wrote

Yep, and they break. It's the Alfa Romeo of switches.


bustedassbitch t1_jchgvt3 wrote

they glue back together easy though! just need a really good file to clean up any acrylate burrs subsequently πŸ₯²


ShawnLevasseur t1_jcgqrfo wrote

It's a photo negative version of my own keyboards.

I have Aliaz 100g on the alpha numerics, 80g on the modifiers. Browns on the Function row, and for the number pads, Box Jades.


RoadToSurfdom OP t1_jcgwupm wrote

Haha cool! How do you like the Aliaz? A lot of people whine about them, but I suppose they (me included) expected them to be more tactile... if you're into light tactility, they are great switches.


ShawnLevasseur t1_jd4cov3 wrote

Being new, I really had no expectations as to tactility. But it was the 80g & 100g heavy nature of the switches that got me curious about them. And as far as that's concerned, it was advertised a heavier switch, and probably one of the most silent switches out there.


Yoosulis t1_jcgba5k wrote

I must ask You’re making a super clicky keyboard as a prank but only on the alphas, and what’s the rest? Linears and an alp for the heck of it?


RoadToSurfdom OP t1_jcgdfqt wrote

Naw not really a prank, I just don't think I'll have much use for it unless I'm by myself :) I have an idea about using two different sets of keycaps, one for the alphas and one for the others. I got carried away and decided to use different switches.

The Aliaz Silents are tactiles with silencing, but they are pretty meh so I haven't used them, had them lying around and decided they fit this concept.

The Alps switch is just so I can use an extra key on this keyboard, the hole is really for big-ass enter keycap, se my other comment.


Yoosulis t1_jcgkyg5 wrote

Ah I understand now, hopefully someone down the hallway will hear it, then come to see a weird keyboard on your desk, will try it, and the next thing you know there’s another jade mk somewhere in your office XD


smrts1080 t1_jcg08jn wrote

Did you have to modify the hole or does an alps switch just fit the same opening as mx?


RoadToSurfdom OP t1_jcgbvgc wrote

No, this plate actually has an Alps hole where the backslash key goes. It's from a Steelseries 6Gv2, which has a big-ass Enter (L-shaped). The switch sits where an ANSI enter is, and the keycap has a stabilizer shaft where the backslash key would be. The shaft runs in a plastic insert that fits an Alps plate mount hole.

I decided to convert it to ANSI by mounting an Alps switch, there is no traces in the PCB but I will run wires to the Fn key.


dabsu02 t1_jcg28tm wrote

wish i did this too, now my down arrow key doesnt work on a brand new keyboard for some reason πŸ€ͺ


cinlung t1_jcivfo2 wrote

What??? Yellow Stem is sus.


AutoModerator t1_jcfmf6v wrote

ANY content that features products, services you sell, your prototypes in progress or items you were sponsored to post MUST use the Promotional flair, with disclosure of who you represent.

When posting your build, please provide a description of the build, preferably as a Top Level Comment or Reply to this Comment, with the following information:

  • Your keyboard featured and its layout

  • The Switches, Keycaps, and Other Accessories Featured

  • Any notable mods you performed

  • Other helpful information such as low profile, lesser known firmware, etc.

Example: Unobtanium Southpaw 1800 with DSA Salt with MorningCaps Artisan and Alps Rainbow Switches, modded with Sorbothan Foam on KMK

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


jesterthepester t1_jchfynf wrote

All I heard in my head while reading was "Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious!"


FourStringL0B0 t1_jchktth wrote

I have never met anyone offended by a loud keyboard tbh...I work with box jades everyday.