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Neireau t1_jebgm0r wrote

I love my Victrix BFG (PS5 tho), that diamond shaped d-pad is surprisingly comfortable and accurate.

What kind of customisation does the app provide? Unless recently updated it doesn’t support my controller yet.


headed2shredded OP t1_jebluqd wrote

Nothing worth while IMO. This is my second one and I didn’t use the app at all with my first one I just over locked them both times. I honestly couldn’t tell the difference. it performed amazing w/o the app


Neireau t1_jebpugm wrote

Fair enough, that’s my experience as well! I never encountered them in the wild tho so figured I’d ask.

Cheers for the reply tho, I appreciate it; also really like that reindeer moss (?) you’ve got going on there by the way.