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wolfenstein734 OP t1_iu4ka9v wrote

Yeah I got into that group buy too and I regret it... I thought it would be a short one like the seq1 was. Even if he had to design a new PCB, it still shouldn't take this long to get everything tested and made.


RelativeChance t1_iu4mebp wrote

It's because Kate left Rama, I think they lost their manufacturing contact and they definitely also lost Wilba. She has been fulfilling artisan keycap gbs in like 3 months in comparison. The situation with CAPS is quite unbelievable actually. Rama sold like 10 colorways and is still releasing more colorways without ever even finalizing the mold. Other keycap manufacturers like gmk epbt etc have a working mold they only have a long wait time because there is a long queue of orders. Rama basically took advantage of consumers being used to long wait times to sell a half finished project early. It's a genius business move, where other business would need to take out a loan, he can get all the money from all the sales upfront before making anything, but it leaves the customer with no real guarantee of quality and no eta.


wolfenstein734 OP t1_iu4r1xf wrote

Yeah the keycap situation is insane. I thought that they had a working mold before they went and did a keycap groupbuy but I guess I was wrong there too. Seems like things are really going off the rails at Rama works.