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evilapa t1_iu9psei wrote

Very cool, but how do you type numbers and symbols on it?


ICantPCGood t1_iu9wupj wrote

You put them on a second layer, probably under q through p.


onowahoo t1_iua4ydk wrote

I totally get layers and compact keyboards now and I even understand some of these keyboards that share Q and Tab... Even if it's not for me.

This just feels like it a missing opportunity to move every F1 key left one so it goes to F9 and put the ESC at the left corner. Personally, I need ESC on top left.


ICantPCGood t1_iualvft wrote

I could see that, I wouldn't be able to use esc in that position either, though, I prefer escape left of A in place of capslock. That said, I took a look at the kit and it appears that the microcontroller goes in that position, though I suppose they could have put the microcontroller on the right so that all the keys in that row could be moved over to the left.