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QWERKey-UK t1_iu7zfun wrote

I'm talking of quality. Double shot is just a means of producing the legends. There are loads of superb quality caps that are not double shot and there are loads of high quality caps that are not PBT. GMK are ABS. Milky way are not double shot.


laedinbed OP t1_iu80qtz wrote

>Post Insights

Thanks for the clarification. Then I'm really not sure why the board with the reds feel better bottoming out than the topre ones, could it be the spring on the switch itself?


desyphium t1_iu9bjwy wrote

Topre doesn't use springs in the same way that discrete switches do. Your reds have a slider that bottoms out against the bottom housing of the switch. With Topre, you're pushing down against a rubber dome that sits directly on top of the PCB.