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kishiki18_91 OP t1_iufopnr wrote

Jonathan thought it'd be great to show Mac users the vibrant array of keyboard options available to them should they venture beyond the Apple Store, with the help of a LTT resident keyboard enthusiast.


[deleted] t1_iugddn4 wrote



sledge812 t1_iuhlbfn wrote

Mac user here. Over a dozen mechanical keyboards. Keychron exists. I could go on.

Makes you wonder why it’s only Microsoft and Android fanboys dishing on Apple users and not the other way around. Sigh… must be another day ending in -y today.


NoOne-NBA- t1_iui4xug wrote

Another Mac user here.

I can't seem to find the Apple logos on my custom designed 69-key ortho, or my hand-built macropad either.


sledge812 t1_iuiaiiu wrote

I guess we could use the big-ass Apple logo stickers that came with our Apple computers 🤣


Svindel69 t1_iuiz41i wrote

Reason that it's only Microsoft and Android fanboys dishing at apple and not the other way around is that apple has nothing to argue with. I'm past the point where you need to tell someone which product is better, but it will never end.


sledge812 t1_iuj3q0n wrote

It’s more fundamental than that. We all chose our OS based on our use case. When I see someone mocking people for their choice of OS I see someone with issues who lacks the maturity and life experience to understand there are more than one use cases, resorting to primitive tribalism in a vain and transparent attempt to mask their hollowness. It doesn’t make me angry, it makes me sad.

As far as I am concerned, I don’t give a rat’s butt which OS y’all are using. I have used Windows (since 3.11!), Linux (Mandriva Linux was my primary OS for more than a decade during the 00s) and eventually macOS. Use whichever OS works best for your use case. I’ll never make fun of you just because your use case is different than mine. I’ve been there, done that, have the literal t-shirts to show for it.


Svindel69 t1_iujnjru wrote

Haha I catch your drift here.

I agree. I will never in my life purchase an apple product since they are nowhere near the same performance as windows is in my use case. But i can accept that other people but their products. They are easy to use and once you're in the apple ecosystem you will never get out.


sledge812 t1_iujte4w wrote

You can definitely move back from Apple. My employee who’s only doing backend software development went from macOS to Linux a few years ago and he’s very happy and productive.


Svindel69 t1_iujugah wrote

Yeah, I'm not talking work, I'm more talking day to day life. Watch, phone, tablet, pc, even TV. It's an ecosystem that catches you if you go down the road. Switching from a PC to Mac or vice versa is probably easy enough.


TheoreticalLulz t1_iui5c2k wrote

Eh, a lot of power users go the macOS route for a Unix operating system and greater software availability. It's disingenuous to suggest all Mac users are Apple evangelists.


[deleted] t1_iui5iw4 wrote



TheoreticalLulz t1_iui6ops wrote

Ah, sorry. I didn't realize what you meant. Windows 11 with WSL2 is definitely a great option. I think it causes issues with my company's defense software, though. It always gets blocked by the company policies as an executable.