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atflp t1_iu54t1h wrote

I just started using a 75% board and it's really hard for me. I miss the Home, End, Ins, Del, PgUp, PgDn keys opn it's original position. I'm using a Keychron V1.

I'm a lot faster on a TKL.

Is it common?


krugerlive t1_iu5jdsf wrote

Have you remapped the keyboard to how you like it yet? With any adjustment, it takes time to acclimate, but you can also remap keys and put them in the spots and layers where you want them.


pabloescobyte t1_iu66z1m wrote

Move them elsewhere. I have my Home/End on CAPSLOCK+Q/E, PgUp/PgDn on CAPSLOCK+R/F for example. Ins/Del is CAPSLOCK+P/BACKSPACE.

Now your right hand can stay on your pointing device and you can move around freely. Helps to be using CAPSLOCK+WASD as your arrow keys as well.


ensigma978 t1_iu7wr6k wrote

Wow, I never thought of remapping those keys like that and using the CAPSLOCK as like a func (2 I guess?) button. This might depend on the software as well but I'll keep this in mind and look into doing it with my boards


bryson-182 OP t1_iu5ewj0 wrote

I’m not sure if it’s common but I definitely forget I don’t have a numpad but it’s not a problem


Munenoe t1_iu5kbhs wrote

Every time you change layouts it takes some adjustment, you can imagine that learning whole new keymaps can slow down your typing for months :)


Chorazin t1_iu714ti wrote

I never use those except for when I’m working, and that’s 100% size time. Fascinating what others miss from layouts!