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ShynnSup t1_iu2ad43 wrote

I don’t wanna be an ass but I honestly don’t feel comfortable saying congrats because I feel that would be encouraging you.

You probably won’t feel bad about my comment and I am sure you are super proud and happy of your collection.

But I just feel like expressing what I feel when I look at the image you posted, I hope that’s fair.

I guess I will never get keyboard collectors. I mean I get watch collectors… like those are literally made to be watched. Ware a different one to each event. Then you have craftsmanship. Understandable.

But keyboards? I feel bad they are caged in there with no one using them. I mean keyboards are so much more than pretty things, our connection with them spams across three main senses (hearing, touch and sight) out of six.

I would understand having 3 or so, like you cycle through them every week.

Anyways, what I do get is the feeling of wanting to try everything out there and liking 20 keycap sets but not having enough keyboards. Or keyboards instead. I mean I will be getting a Sonnet hopefully next year and I am already thinking about getting a 60%. But I will make sure that 60% is the best I can get so that I don’t get tempted to buy another. That’s why I went for a Sonnet instead of a budget TKL.

I feel many collections start like that too (and not saying at all yours did). You start budget, then midrange, etc but you are never entirely happy because you keep having that premium board on your mind. And even that can go to extremes when you start falling for special editions and personal commissions such as TGR and Keycults respectively. Point is, before getting that one keeb you already went through 3 or 4. Call it impatience, insecurity, I don’t know. It all feels rather superfluous and materialistic. I guess you could argue all collections are, but some are more justified than others, take museums for instance.


hawk5656 t1_iu2o039 wrote

You wrote that much in response to this. Lmfao


ShynnSup t1_iu2szc1 wrote

Sorry, didn’t know there was a limit.