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Mx_Dee t1_iufnj9p wrote

Nice keyboard and love the novelty caps!


amuro_rei OP t1_iufnpxz wrote

Thanks! From what I looked these novelty keycaps in SA profile weren't easy to come by, especially you only wanted one or two keycaps. So thanks to my kid who managed to pull it off. :)


Mx_Dee t1_iufnyeh wrote

Good find amuro_rei’s kid! πŸ‘πŸ»


badmalphite t1_iugqres wrote

How long did it take you to get accustomed to this board?


amuro_rei OP t1_iugrqhw wrote

probably few days? πŸ˜‚

I was worried since this keyboard has the ISO layout but surprisingly it didn't take long to get used to the smaller left SHIFT key as well as \ key moved to left of Enter key. :)


kardiogramm t1_iug9cts wrote

Why do I feel this might be more comfortable using CAD… even for someone who’s right handed.


amuro_rei OP t1_iugb0xx wrote

Southpaw layout suits the right hander more so than left hander.

if you think about with the south paw you can keep your right hand on the mouse while your left hand do all the task hitting numpad, function keys, and etc.

on that thought for left hander the standard full size keyboard with the numpad and function keys on the right is far more ergonomic - as long as they do use their left hand to move mouse. πŸ˜‹


WEASELexe t1_iuhtguo wrote

I like left hand numpad because it saves mouse space while retaining the extra keys


D4H_Snake t1_iui8214 wrote

This is exactly why I have been trying to find a good southpaw board. I’m right handed and the numpad is nice sometimes but I would rather have the mouse space then the numpad. A southpaw would give me both.


amuro_rei OP t1_iuk2nxi wrote

you don't understand how much of travel your right hand does when you a lot of Excel work. The reason I got on the southpaw was that my right wrist started complained with mild pain to excruciating pain in short time. 😭

southpaw keyboard helped a lot along with the wrist guard that has in-built steel plate to fix my right wrist in place.


NecroGamer27 t1_iuggezz wrote

If I was going full size this would deffo be it but then I use Vim 90% of the time sooo mouse is optional.


Substantial_Reach_60 t1_iujqvw4 wrote

That’s how I work with a Kensington orbit on my left and the keyboard on my right and then a Logitech ergo mouse on my right as well to switch. I’m ambidextrous.


amuro_rei OP t1_iujxv13 wrote

> I’m ambidextrous.

I've been always jealous of you lot. πŸ˜‚ back in school I had a classmate who was a pitcher of school baseball team and he switched his arms during the game all the time. 😁


Substantial_Reach_60 t1_iuk1du0 wrote

Haha it came from being left handed and my catholic step mom hitting me when I’d use my left hand I was young enough to then train to use the right hand but then my real mom came to pick me up from that house hold and I went back to left. I draw with my left and write fast with my right and then sign my name with my left and eat and all that with my left. Boxing I take a left handed stance till I get tired on that side and switch to right lol. It’s weird but I have a lot of input devices so it’s all good


QTIIPP t1_iugow6b wrote

I absolutely love mine for CAD work and excel spreadsheets (and frankly everything…). I’m actually planning to get or mimic one for my work office with a quieter build, as I work 2 days at home and 3 in the office now. I hate the generic keyboard in the office currently…

It took a couple weeks to get properly proficient, but it feels so good now, and is much more seem-less/less hand movement. I’m essentially a presale engineer, and probably 90% of my work involves 2D AutoCad, some 3D Inventor, and Excel Spreadsheets.

I’m a right hander. This is the way.


kanikoX t1_iuggakp wrote

I do agree. With also those dimension inputs.


sledge812 t1_iuh0yw3 wrote

When I was doing heavy CAD work at uni (Mechanical Engineering, we had a FEM class which required tons of 3D CAD work to even get started) I followed the TA’s advice. Dominant hand on keyboard, off hand on mouse. Don’t swap the mouse buttons. Sounds stupid but after five minutes of using it I understood it’s brilliant advice.


amuro_rei OP t1_iufmxjz wrote

Don't you hate to search for that elusive Del key when it's flipped left to right?

My kid gave me these novelty keycaps and they fixed that issue for me. πŸ˜‚


Iced_Snail t1_iufxsbw wrote

That looks perfect! What’s the board?


amuro_rei OP t1_iufyxrl wrote

SB-3500 from the


banethor88 t1_iuh4d6e wrote

Ahhh I wish I knew this a few weeks before. I bought the EPOMAKER one but I dont think I will dig the layout (I haven't collected it yet)


Huffer13 t1_iufywb0 wrote

Yeah what he said. Where doth findeth a southpaw board?


peanutbutterwife t1_iug9e1h wrote

Check Skyloong Epomaker for the GK96S.

Or Jabberwock if you're looking for a Southpaw Alice. I'm finalizing mine on Monday.


Ensaum t1_iugshzu wrote

Caps lock upside down haha


kseulgisbaby t1_iugxmvb wrote

it looks like a cute mushroom like that kek


amuro_rei OP t1_iuh8ukb wrote

I know right~~


Ensaum t1_iuhxyb4 wrote

It's a little Goomba XD

P sure that row on SA is orientation agnostic if I remember right, so it makes no difference if it's upside down too


amuro_rei OP t1_iujz1yh wrote

Yes like you said that R3 has no top or bottom orientation.


amuro_rei OP t1_iuh8rin wrote

:) Took 50 comments before finally someone noticed it 🀣


nutsenmai t1_iug3wka wrote

Where in the world did you find a keyboard with the numpad on the left? I've been looking for these.


TentiTiger11 t1_iug4sap wrote

i don't think they are that rare. Also if there is nothing that u like u can always get like a TKL with a separate num pad too. Not sure about the nav cluster being on the left tho


amuro_rei OP t1_iug5y99 wrote

> Not sure about the nav cluster being on the left tho

it's great! when I type and manipulate the Excel cells I can do so without lifting my right hand from the mouse. :p


peanutbutterwife t1_iug8ybx wrote

Me too! Put it all together with a trackball with a scroll ring and you're ready for hours of spreadsheet manipulation fun!

Edit: Street? Ready? Guess I can see it with swipe auto correct.


amuro_rei OP t1_iugb59h wrote

> trackball

man~ haven't touch one myself for years. that brings back memories.


nutsenmai t1_iugbd3h wrote

This is the option I've been looking at so far.


amuro_rei OP t1_iug5nep wrote

check out the

this one's called SB-3500 from their product range.

do note that this is ISO layout since the keyboard is geared for UK customers but you can set the ANSI layout from your Windows and swap few keycaps and Bob's your uncle.


peanutbutterwife t1_iug8q55 wrote

Epomaker makes a 96 in southpaw. I love mine.

EDIT: I bought it through Epomaker, it's a Skyloong


amuro_rei OP t1_iugcbty wrote

I have that one too! I saw it on the KS and waited till it ended and promptly ordered one from the Epomaker web page. And that's for my home office.

This southpaw is for the office, however, coz I don't need the blinking RGB keyboard that's wireless at the office. πŸ˜‚


peanutbutterwife t1_iugcvxx wrote

Right? My other daily driver is a Varmilo TKL with a Bluetooth numpad for the left side. It has white, South facing led. That's it. They turn on and off to varying degrees, no more, no less. It's a full Bluetooth set up, I love it.


amuro_rei OP t1_iuger56 wrote

there have been a few over the year. I saw few examples while I was in S. Korea and Japan back in 90s. And those were the business oriented keyboards just like the old IBM keyboard - boring beige with grey keycaps on probably the Alps switches.

This one's also business oriented with no bells and whistles but just the Cherry MX switches and black (boring) keycaps. Even the cable is non-detachable.


pabloescobyte t1_iugadmm wrote

This is awesome to see in an office instead of someone's desk.

Does your country drive on the left side of the road by any chance?


Competitive_Low_8913 t1_iuh0zdw wrote

I've let a tear of joy, because of the ISO enter. So many amazing keyboards use the ANSI layout which are a dealbraker for me. What keyboard model is this?


DanknessEvermemes t1_iuhbuh5 wrote

Ayeee a short board leftie user :) I have one too and I’ve never seen anyone else use one. I’ve modded mine with cherry silent red switches and also a removable usb c cable


Ripinda t1_iugynrn wrote

Is it me or is capslock upside down?


Skrynat t1_iuhwe1j wrote

Looks so weird... But looks so nice!!


Dxlyaxe t1_iui49he wrote

I love my southpaw! I have a Holyswitch southpaw 75. My coworkers all hate it bc I use novelties for command (macOS) and the wasd keys are arrows. Cannot get my boss to understand that it’s just wasd unless you hold function then it’s arrows. Keeps him off my computer at least lol.


amuro_rei OP t1_iujyhhi wrote

> it’s just wasd unless you hold function then it’s arrows.

did the same trick with the old IBM keyboard.

it seems people just can't get their head around that 2/4/6/8 are cursor key and 9/3 are PgUp/PgDn and 7 as Home and 1 as End keys - when the NumLock light is off.

(Remember on the old IBM keyboard there are no dedicated cursor keys and other function keys.) 🀣


SemogAziul t1_iui54gc wrote

I like that the Esc key is named Panic


AggressiveWorth5203 t1_iuid8f3 wrote

This is my dream board. If only there was a wireless (Bluetooth) version with a volume knob in the upper left corner.

Enjoy the heck out of it!


amuro_rei OP t1_iujy4z2 wrote

> If only there was a wireless (Bluetooth) version with a volume knob in the upper left corner.

if that's the case the keyboard would disappear from the desk and miraculously appear on someone else's desk. πŸ˜‚


2gdismore t1_iugb3ys wrote

What keycaps?


amuro_rei OP t1_iugclic wrote

it's called retro IBM keycaps in SA profile. Got it during 11 Nov sales off AliX - though even with sales it cost me A$69. πŸ˜‚


Curse_Of_Death t1_iugfru4 wrote

Initially i thought that its a new skin for rog claymore. Nice kb overall, is it silent ?


amuro_rei OP t1_iuggjal wrote

It has the Cherry brown so it's not dead silent but with the rubber o-ring mod it's pretty quiet almost as quite as that sh!tty Logitec silent keyboard they issued and a lot of us break 'em in few weeks' time bashing their weak rubber dome


Kzero_ t1_iuggoks wrote

office? but i think SA keycaps are loud


amuro_rei OP t1_iugi60n wrote

Not necessarily. I put the rubber o-rings and they arent that loud. Comparable to the laptop keyboard or Logitec silent keyboard when others are banging at 'em. (I did and now I have this keyboard)


OP-69 t1_iuhucvl wrote

every time i see a southpaw my brain just doesnt wanna comprehend it

nice novelties, especially love the PANIC button


YellowBreakfast t1_iujqw7t wrote

If it was a lefty wouldn't it be a POIUYT keyboard? /s


I_P_L t1_iuhvn9i wrote

Why the hell would you use a layout where you'd have to press num enter with your thumb and num 0 with your pinky...


amuro_rei OP t1_iujfzc3 wrote

Coz I'm used to it? It's like a second nature. Don't even need to look since my left fingers know where are the number keys 😊


I_P_L t1_iujg5e1 wrote

It's just plain poor ergonomics though. Try pressing 0456+123 enter. Then do the same with your right hand. You'd have to move your hand so much more.


amuro_rei OP t1_iujgdp6 wrote

At least it's my hardly used left fingers. Dont mind a bit to fo the finger dance to enter those πŸ˜„


I_P_L t1_iujkw1x wrote

Could have looked for a mirror numpad layout though like the Aegis


amuro_rei OP t1_iujxzrx wrote

my left fingers are muscle trained with that arrangement. I even use my left hand to punch in numbers at the ATM when my right hand is full πŸ˜‰


scrptddy t1_iufs8q3 wrote

Seeing the numpad on the wrong side gave me a stroke. But otherwise looks nice.


amuro_rei OP t1_iufu8g5 wrote

say that again after entering numbers for your Excel few hours non-stop. πŸ˜‚


thelastspot t1_iugq6tt wrote

I just ordered a 2nd numpad for southpaw use. Mine's for slinging IP addresses.