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beardgrylls t1_iuc7h43 wrote

That's the M93I by Jojo Studio. It just started group buy a couple of days ago through Wuque Studio's website. Not sure if I can link it but a quick Google search should come up with the product page.


working-acct t1_iuct8ty wrote

I’m more interested in how Wuque is pronounced.


DriveByStoning t1_iucupbt wrote



yayfurui t1_iuehwts wrote

Interesting, is that how the company said its pronounced or is that how its popularly pronounced in the western world? Just based on the Chinese "无缺" aka WuQue, I feel like it should be pronounced something like "woo-chreh".


DriveByStoning t1_iuf960f wrote

I'm assuming that's how they want it pronounced. All their YouTube videos are silent, but every reviewer I've seen has pronounced it like that from back when I started paying attention during the Ikki68 buy. Andy/Taeha/Betty/Alexotos/BadSeed/Clackbait/