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raptor102888 t1_iucc1dq wrote

Lots of comments answering 1800 out 96%. But this isn't one of those. It's something slightly smaller, and the layout itself probably doesn't have a name, just unique to this board.


WeekendWarriorMark t1_iucenvq wrote

2nd! numpad section has just 3 columns. Arrows are aligned (something I’d prefer over the 1800)


Matasa89 t1_iucq361 wrote

Yeah I would call this an exploded 96%. It's not enough distance to be called 1800 and not compacted entirely like the 96%.


working-acct t1_iuct5nq wrote

Look if it quacks like a 1800 I’m calling it a 1800.


raptor102888 t1_iuemsql wrote

It doesn't quack like an 1800 though. It doesn't have all the same columns, so it's functionality is wildly different.


forter4 t1_iudnr1w wrote

Yea, I was gonna say a compact 1800, but the numpad doesn't have the - + and ENTER keys...What's the point of a numpad if it doesn't have those keys? oof, this layout is a big "nope" from me


NintendogsWithGuns t1_iudzkv2 wrote

With this layout the numpad is already right next to the main enter key, the - + keys would have been a welcome addition though. Think this would have worked better with an ISO or JIS-inspired layout, as the main enter key would be taller and you might be able to make a creative use of the extra keys


fantastic_beats t1_iueathn wrote

Yeah, you could learn to use it, either with other layers or with the keys off to the left.

> the numpad doesn't have the - + and ENTER keys...What's the point of a numpad if it doesn't have those keys?

Num Lock makes tenkeys super handy as arrow keys/nav clusters, but this layout has a separate arrow cluster, which eats into that effectiveness a bit. The Candybar layout, which is a 40% with a tenkey, is one of the only ones I've seen with that philosophy. But at that point you may be better off with a 40% and a Murphpad you keep in a drawer and plug in when you need it


Kirball904 t1_iuezte0 wrote

Having to take my hand on the TK to hit enter defeats the entire purpose of the TK IMO.