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LkMMoDC t1_iudab5a wrote

There are merits to this design. You can access the normal enter and backspace with the same hand you're using on the numpad.


flappity t1_iudhbfj wrote

But the muscle memory! Also that's super awkward if you're doing lots of spreadsheets or entering lots of numbers constantly.


Qbopper t1_iuhnpox wrote

muscle memory is a weird argument though, considering some of the crazy layouts people use

if it works for you, it works for you; if it doesn't, then it doesn't


forter4 t1_iudob8p wrote

You "can" but it's not optimal. When I use excel or do anything, I tend to follow processes that allow the least amount of movement with my hands and least amount of time to actually do the job. Those two are typically interchangeable, but before you ask...yes, small movement make a difference overtime. Not necessarily in time saved, but in hand fatigue


Kirball904 t1_iuezyln wrote

Doesn’t seem efficient to me.


HMD-Oren t1_iuff8xa wrote

I'd have to agree. I'm a power excel user so at this point I'd just go straight to a 75 GMMK Pro style design rather than keep a nerfed numpad.


Kirball904 t1_iufh8sj wrote

I’m an avoider of glorious for ethical reasons but you do you.


HMD-Oren t1_iugyi5x wrote

I think you've misunderstood my comment.