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WinterAyars t1_iuj2l8e wrote

Reply to comment by GCamAdvocate in How dare you! by pedrorq

Also, we really shouldn't be assuming that people who don't have kilobuck level keyboards aren't "serious" or whatever. The hobby grew out of people trying to make stuff better without buying ancient unobtanium keyboards or spinning up a whole manufacturing facility. Someone who spends $40 on lovingly modding a cheap keyboard into something great is just as valid as someone who buys five keycults and pays someone else assemble them. Maybe more, if they're good.


5spikecelio t1_iuk4ugg wrote

That’s me. I consider my self pretty knowledgeable about the subject to the point i can figure out some switches and cases only by sound and my goal is to never go high end but to build medium low entry keebs and make them sound and feels as good as a high end keyboard. To this day, mi most expensive keeb os a gmmk pro and i made it sound amazing.