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[deleted] OP t1_ix1qctv wrote

Reply to comment by RLDKA in Send Elon to Mars by [deleted]

Pretty awesome comment, my astronomically challenged self is learning a lot. Yes, keycaps can be rotated because XDA, it's a gift and a curse. Here is my second go, let's call it Starlink instead of Voyager.


RLDKA t1_ix1qung wrote

Yup that's more like it! Awesome set btw


Junt-Wic t1_ix2e9d8 wrote

Just ordered deep space so thank you lol. Although probably easier in dcx.


exdigguser147 t1_ix1vgux wrote

Almost. You have Saturn and Uranus swapped. Once you do that you need to:

Saturn needs to be flipped 180

Uranus is typically shown ring going vertical, so turned 90 ccw


jceplo t1_ix3ip8f wrote

Oh thank God. Satisfying to slowly watch this get resolved!