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Molnes OP t1_iuv37jh wrote

The groupbuys category. Upcoming, Interest Checks etc. And almost everything is sold out, unless it is some numpad keycap kit.


Ckamc t1_iuv95c0 wrote

Well up coming and interest check means it's not live yet or able to be purchaee able. When they decide to, you can sign up for notifications for when it does.

Most of their stuff from interest check to live... Kinda all over the place for when they launch it. If it has a price and says interest check or in production, means it will launch soon.

The only thing in a 75 from them would be that new odin75 they are working on. Not sure when but looks like something happen since they marked it as "in production"

Different companies have different ways of displaying things. So don't look right away at the sold out icon as there might be more info in the description.

Overall, I think there are less group buys from some brands and more in stock drops starting to happen. But looking at thocstock and mech group buy sites gives you an idea... But a lot of checking in with everything is kind of how some of the hobby works.


Molnes OP t1_iuvcgg1 wrote

Thanks man! That is a good point. I should probably get more into other sites and stuff. Just found it difficult to find vendors. Obviously after this thread, I realize there is a lot of possibilities!