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QWERKey-UK t1_iyc1epv wrote

The tape mod is never necessary, on any board. It's just an option for those that want their boards to sound like everyone else's these days. I'm not sure why you are asking. Just try it and see if you think it "improves" it. If not, remove it.


Miguel7501 t1_iyc1fq6 wrote

Tape makes the sound a bit deeper. If you want that, use tape and if you don't, don't. Simple as that, it's all preference.


Bennedict929 t1_iyc1w5q wrote

It will sounds like any other board with tape, if you don't have any problem with that then go ahead. Another alternative to improving the sound is putting Uhmwpe tape on the flex cuts


LieutenantTubby t1_iyc54fr wrote

I’ve found that putting small strips of tape over the flex cuts oh the PCB can help make a board sound more full (if the board in question has a flex cut PCB, of course). I ordered the QK75 as well, and will likely try some small strips of tape over the flex cuts to see how it impacts the sound.


kool-keys t1_iycjk7l wrote

The good thing with the tape mod, is that it's fully reversible, so try it and see if you like the results. If not, you can just remove the tape.


Spiritual_Panda_8392 t1_iyck2n3 wrote

A mod that is a bit easier than using tape is butcher paper or painters paper. No adhesive and sits nicely under the pcb. It will give your sound more volume.