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QWERKey-UK t1_ixyq1so wrote

Yeah sure... all linear switches are the same.... (roll eyes). LOL


stylesuxx t1_ixyrw6u wrote

I wonder which switches you compared to come to this conclusion?

I am no fan of linear switches myself, but most of them are pretty distinct in feel, sound or both. I mean unless you fill them up with lube to the brim...


ProestPro t1_ixyt3ob wrote

Dam, my jwk blacks totally have as much thock as my oil kings and ink blacks. /s


SmallPotatoK t1_ixyyvno wrote

To be fair, all switches are the same to non-mechanical users. It becomes 3 types of switches for beginner users (linear, tactile and clicky)… turns back to 2 for hobbyists (ok this is a joke :3). The more you dive in the hobby, the more diverse switches become, then there is franken switches and what not. Point is, it takes certain level of enthusiasm to differentiate them. With that being said, I’m a sole believer that all linear switches are the same, at least that’s what my wallet trying to tell me anyway


BadPWG t1_ixz0bvu wrote

If people can’t tell the differences then they have a bit of an issue with sensing reality and the world around them 😂


AdAdditional3378 t1_ixz1cta wrote

All linears are the same they’re rotting my brain peace I can’t attain cause are linears are the same


stylesuxx t1_ixz1fm2 wrote

I took my switch tester to a meetup with friends a couple days ago, because one of them wanted to borrow it. Of course everyone started to play around with it and everyone was able to feel differences. I just think it is a matter of sample size. If you happen to have two very similar switches that are potentially over-lubed, then yeah, it will be hard to notice a difference.


sprayoo t1_ixz58lr wrote

Sound I can agree with, but with feel it's either they are long pile or they aren't. That's not saying it's bad BTW. What makes linear so attractive is their simplicity


unit187 t1_ixzhsi3 wrote

For funsies, I did a blind test with multiple linear switches I own. It is pretty easy to spot the difference, but unless you are very familiar with every one of them, it is really hard to name those switches. You just know they are different, but which switch is which - who knows /shrug


SmallPotatoK t1_ixzi0ya wrote

Agreed, sample size defines a lot and of course similar switches are harder to tell apart, this goes to any similar things not just switch. I think another aspect that differs hobbyists and none hobbyists though, is the ability to identify the difference on top of noticing the difference, and further more know how to modify a certain part to maximize or minimize such difference. So like everyone could tell switch A is scratchier than switch B just from pressing it, but us would know that is material and lube related… or that they would think switch A make a more pleasant sound than switch B, and us would know how to tune the sound from different case/plate/foam/pad/lube etc. Now that I said this, I feel like a hobby, any hobby, is truly an art of themselves… the more time we spend in it, the more time we see things other people don’t


bosuhr t1_ixzmlld wrote

Hey! You can feel the spring weight


mandaliet t1_ixzo4le wrote

This reminds me of those studies which show that self-claimed wine experts fail blind taste tests all the time.


the_ebastler t1_ixzoh4f wrote

If that's the case for you, you apparently lube a LOT. Good for you if that's the type of switch you enjoy, I personally can't stand the "buttery smooth" thick 205g0 layer feeling. It's a bit like 5 layers of foam in every board for me. Makes every board sound decent, but kills all individuality and blends everything into mediocracy.

With a thick layer of 205g0 most linears are indeed indistinguishable, but with a thin layer of 205 or a bit of 3204 many sound and feel very distinct. Hell, even a milky top and clear top gateron yellow with the same bottoms, springs and stems sounds and feels noticeably different.


Aaroneb t1_ixzpi4g wrote

I guess they do all feel pretty much the same but they do have very different sounds.


Fureal t1_ixzwsxu wrote

Damn bro this meme is so funny I literally spilled my coffee onto my linears and now I wanna start a GB for Coffee Spill Linear Switches manufactured by JWK. Thanks for the inspo you're the bomb man!


SoMass t1_iy006bk wrote

I always remember the Bruce Lee quote going something along the lines “in the beginning a punch is a punch and a kick is a kick. Then you learn more and everything becomes unique and intricate. Then you learn enough and a kick is simply a kick and a punch is simply a punch.” Not exact but how my brain remembered it after all these years.


jojlo t1_iy0bzva wrote

And can any of them actually be silent!?!


C9_Starkiller t1_iy0fkmr wrote

did i miss the part of this meme where OP said this is deathly serious, he is the only arbiter of correctness, and anyone who disagrees should be executed? responses are wild lmao. like c'mon just chuckle and scroll by...


peanut_butter_lover4 t1_iy0hci0 wrote

Me: owns Cherry MX Reds, Akko Lavender Purples, and is awaiting a set of FLCMMK Ice Mint switches.


HK_808 t1_iy0no9m wrote

The contact based mx style switches feel pretty simmilar to me apart from actuation force and whether they are lubed, but compared to different technologies like optoelectronic and hall effects there is definitely a difference also there is a difference with my green alps board.


OverratedOnion t1_iy0q6j8 wrote

This is fair enough. But one thing that many people forget about is the sound. I have Zealios v2 in one of my boards and they sound very harsh and high pitched (which I kinda like). Different linear switches would sound different to others which can’t really be stated in a switch tester.


meatydp t1_iy0ube4 wrote

I don't get the appeal of linears especially now that the Wooting 60HE exists.


Microdoted t1_iy138n3 wrote

cherry reds as smooth as (insert_popular_linear_name_here) confirmed.



Jnbrtz t1_iy15av3 wrote

Although I never tried other switches because im broke asf and don't see it necessary for me, I think I would have the same conclusion too and think the difference is the sound(not on cheap boards but on more expensive or 'complex' bodies like gaskets, foam, and etc,.)


Kikkou123 t1_iy17j0m wrote

Huh? There are linear, tactile, and clicky alps. Each of which are fantastic. Better yet, you can swap each leaf out without desoldering, enabling you to change your switch type in an hour just with a toothpick and a keycap puller.


REBKeeb t1_iy18mwg wrote

so funny the heat this is making, could start too cook a steak if this keeps going on ahah


M1ken1ke66 t1_iy1b86f wrote

Main differences that can definitely be felt by enthusiasts include sound, housing tolerances, smoothness, and weight, tho u can just spring swap ur fav spring into whatever linear sounds the best to you


Leopard854 t1_iy1cq71 wrote

It really do be like that, once you go past a certain threshold it’s just diminishing returns.

And the funny thing is, as the tolerances get tighter, more friction is introduced, so a relatively “scratchy” switch like Gateron Yellow can feel nicer to type on than some “high-end” switch that is polished out of the factory and hand lubed.


maxgpdx t1_iy1jl1n wrote

They mean that alps linears have a small tactile bump due to the switchplate design. How noticeable it is varies from batch to batch in my experience.


SmallPotatoK t1_iy1ogus wrote

That’s some wise words, I’m a Chinese myself, and we do have a 4-words idiom/phrase that refers exactly to this stage of mind, 返璞归真, which literally translated into return to the unpolished/unaltered nature and get back to the “true self”


kittysneeze88 t1_iy1s8jm wrote

I’ve found a compromise with my wallet—spring swapping. I’ve found swapping to a 2-stage or long spring alters linear switches to a much more noticeable degree, and only at a fraction of the cost of trying different linear switches.

That said, I still own far too many linears, so it appears like my wallet isn’t really winning.


studiofoxx t1_iy1vuoz wrote

Yes but I’m sure you just refined your tastes from experimenting and finally keeping what you prefer. I have such vastly different switches I know the difference in all of them. I also have no taste.


doozydud t1_iy22jwe wrote

I filled a keyboard with 4 different linear switches just for fun and I honestly cannot tell the difference between the space bar, alpha, or number keys


fineiwilltakeit t1_iy2406h wrote

It took me a while to appreciate a good unlubed switch. Like box browns... I shouldn't have said that though.


supyo t1_iy25th3 wrote



Kikkou123 t1_iy28t2k wrote

That bump is basically nonexistent. You can feel that same bump on many linear mx switches if you really feel for it. Even then, it gives a little bit of character as opposed to the incredibly basic feeling of mx linears, which was kind of my whole point of saying try alps in the first place.


maxgpdx t1_iy290lx wrote

That's not completely true, like I said it varies based on the switch. I have a batch of yellows that genuinely feel like tactile switches and greens where you can't feel it at all.


Jnstus t1_iy2a4l7 wrote

what’s the best lube for some hyperx reds?


Sinsanatis t1_iy2d5v6 wrote

Kinda similar to the audio space. U cant quite tell between reaaaaally good audio, good audio, decent audio, and ok audio until u properly experience all of them for a good amount of time. But also like audio, u can tell when its absolute shit


ondrea_luciduma t1_iy2fp9j wrote

Which is exactly why I migrated to topre. You know it when you use it


QWERKey-UK t1_iy2kphu wrote

The materials dictate bottom out feel, as does stem length. Spring weight changes the feel, as does spring progressiveness. Stem design and material also affects how tight the stem is, hence stem wobble, and this has a noticeable affect on typing. Then there's the physical fit of the housing, some being tight, some not, which you can also feel. The housing itself an affect plate fitment which can be extremely important in a hot swap board.

To many people just think about sound, and it's silly, as switches are probably one of the least important parts of the board when it comes to sound, unless we are talking about clicky switches of course.


Fair-Bunch4827 t1_iy2ok9k wrote

I was perfectly fine with my 10USD office tier headsets before my friend introduced me to audiophile stuff. I can't go back anymore.

But i deliberately stopped trying better ones at 40-50 USD. I could easily see myself spending exponentially more if i try to find the difference.

Ps: I hate linear switches. I'd rather have a cheapo membrane than those. Like whats the point


Kronocide t1_iy2tjpp wrote

Can't even notice the difference between linear and tactile (Red and brown)


AustralianKeyboard t1_iy2uqiz wrote

Man all these ppl talking abt switches sounding 1decibel louder and 0.37 grams lighter then each other… really hard to disagree with half of the opinions… they all make extremely fair points…


Dangthe t1_iy2z44t wrote

I have about 40 different switch sets and my favourite ones are unlubed. Seriously, lubing takes away so much character from a switch, this meme actually isn't that fictional imho.


Round-Ad-6101 t1_iy31ygi wrote

That’s simply not true. Take POM durock linears, vints and oil kings for example. Lube them or not, they sound really different although all are linears. Also, try some different (quality) boards, that may help hearing difference :D


Zeioth t1_iy351ie wrote

I lubed my zealios (except the bump) and the change was positive. Not super dramatic, but possitive.


Sinsanatis t1_iy3a8ag wrote

Right now im running a budget planar magnetic. The hifiman he x4? Idk which ever is the newer one thats on drop. Running it on the fulla schiit 3 dac/amp. Pretty nice soundstage and clear audio. Just the tiniest bit high on the treble but not too bad. Ppl say its pretty good as entry level planar magnetics. I wouldnt quite know but they sound good to me.

If money wasnt an issue i would want a keyboard with each switch type. But the linear would mainly be used for gaming. My goto would probably be tactiles, but i still would like clickies for the occasional nice clicky typing. Only felt box whites for click bars but it was nice. But now since im getting the wooting 60he that would fill the linear gaming oriented kb slot full force, so i wouldnt build a custom with linears


paradoxally t1_iy3eaer wrote

This meme is only true if you've only tried one linear switch.


xAtlas5 t1_iy3sm1s wrote

I just get them because I like the colors ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sinsanatis t1_iy50y48 wrote

Mines coming jan 20 or so, but maybe later as i want to delay it if possible to get the white keycaps so i cant speak on it yet. But i can tell its gona be pretty much the endgame gaming kb for a good while. Maybe i might end up modding it idk but as long as it lasts, ima be using it